Chapter 17 - pizza delivery

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Over the following weeks, Keira and Lewis were both so busy with work. She had her exams to study for, whilst he was almost always working on his next album.

She'd visited him in the studio a few times, watching him write and sing. She didn't realise just how complicated the process of producing a song was. Keira couldn't believe how talented he was.

Sometimes he was there for hours. And when he did  finally finish for the day, he was usually too tired to do much else. But they still made an effort to see each other at least every other day.

She hadn't heard much from her mum since their last phone call. But she was taking that as a good sign. Besides, with all the extra studying she had been cramming in, Keira's grades were consistently high. So there was nothing much her parents could complain about.

Lewis had been around to her apartment most nights, if only just for a few minutes to see her in person.

But tonight was a Friday, and he'd managed to get out of the studio early.

Lewis picked her up from the university library at around 4pm and drove her home, where they ordered a takeaway pizza and put on some trashy reality TV.

"I honestly feel my brain cells dying watching this," Lewis said as they waited for the pizza to arrive.

"Sorry, would you rather I put on 'university challenge'?" she laughed.

"On second thought . . ."

But Keira was already busy flicking through the channels. After a second, she stopped, blinking.

"Holy shit," she gasped in shock as she watched new photos of her and Lewis appear on the screen as two talk-show hosts were busy gossiping about them.

The headline read: Who is Lewis Capaldi's mystery girl?

There was a picture of them walking down the street, hand in hand, after she had visited him at the studio. They were both laughing and looking at each other. She hadn't even realised there were paparazzi around at the time.

She felt Lewis' hand wrap around hers as she stared at the TV.

"I'm so sorry," Lewis said, finally drawing her gaze away from the screen so she could look at him. "You shouldn't have to deal with this shit."

"It's okay," Keira said, trying to get her head around it all. She never in a million years thought she'd be seeing herself on the TV. "It just needs a little getting used to."

"It's fucking annoying," he shook his head, glancing back at the TV.

"Hey," Keira said softly, turning his face back towards her. "If this is the price I have to pay to be with you, then so be it."

"Yeah?" he said, she could see the guilt in his eyes.

"Yeah," she smiled. "I'm not going to let a few cameras scare me away. Not for a second."

"You're too good for me, you know that?" he sighed, falling back on the sofa and running a hand through his hair.

"I'm really not," she said, nestling against him, resting her head on his shoulder. She loved how good he smelt all the time.

"No, you are," he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "You have to put up with all this bullshit." He motioned towards the TV. "I don't even think I'm worth it."

"You are worth every part of it," she said, tilting her head so she could brush her lips against his neck. "And I don't care about the photos. I want people to know that I'm yours."

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