Chapter 8 - Mercy

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"This should warm you up," Lewis said as he approached the sofa bearing two steaming mugs of coffee.
With a smile, he placed them down on the low-lying table in front of her and joined Keira on the sofa. The cushions sighed as he sat down and Keira found it incredibly hard not to shift closer to him as he leant back, throwing an arm over the top of the couch behind her.

When they had first arrived, Lewis was stopped by a few fans in the car park. He gladly posed for pictures, giving time to talk to each of them before politely saying goodbye. Keira had just stood there in silence, not really knowing what to do. But Lewis had been so friendly to all of his fans, treating them as though they were some of his closest friends.

As they walked into the glass-fronted coffee shop, Lewis had leaned in close to her ear and whispered, "I'm sorry about that."

Keira had just elbowed him softly back. "Don't be, that was really sweet."

Lewis raised a brow at that, a playful grin already spreading across his face. "You think I'm sweet, eh?"

"Shut up," she smiled back, shaking her head before going to find them both seats in the back of the shop, far away from any watchful eyes.

When Lewis handed her the coffee, Keira eagerly gulped it down, desperate for the warmth.

"Woah, go easy there," Lewis chuckled softly, making a point to sip his slowly.

Keira only rolled her eyes. "Sorry, I didn't know you were the coffee king."

"Hey," his grin widened, "I'm just sayin' you've got to appreciate that drink in your hands. I paid good money for it."

"And I will be forever grateful," she said, tilting her head to the side, her blonde curls slipping over one shoulder.

"I don't know if it beats ice cream, but I guess it will do," he said in between sips.

"Either way, I'm in good company," Keira said before she could stop herself.

Lewis went silent, and as he met her eye, she could have sworn they sparkled.

"Jesus Keira, stop that," he quickly looked away, shaking his head.

She giggled. "Stop what?"

"That," his voice broke a little higher than usual as he gestured towards her, grinning. "Stop giving me that look."

"What look?"

"You know the one I mean," Lewis said, small dimples appearing in his cheeks.

She only smiled more, enjoying watching Lewis get even more flustered. "I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about."

"The look you give me that makes me lose my mind," Lewis knocked his knee against hers softly. "The look I can't stop thinking about."

Her heart was soaring, butterflies flitting within her stomach like she was going to explode any minute. Lewis placed his coffee down on the table and she did the same. They didn't break eye contact. Not for a second. In fact, she didn't think she could tear her gaze away from him.

They sat angled towards each other, fingertips lightly brushing. Lewis leant closer, the smell of his cologne wrapping around her. She didn't know someone could smell so good.

His throat bobbed as he interlaced his fingers with hers. He looked nervous almost, his eyes flicking from their hands back up to her, lingering on her lips.

They sat there for a few moments longer, faces inches apart. She could feel the heat of his breath on her skin.

"Fuck it," Lewis said before kissing her.

His lips were so soft against hers. Keira's eyes fell shut as he brought his hand up, holding her face steady as their kiss grew deeper, more desperate.

But just as quickly as it started, Lewis pulled away, breathless.

"Did I do something wrong?" Keira asked, heart hammering against her chest. She could already sense the heat creeping into her cheeks.

"No," Lewis' brows pinched together. "No you're perfect. I just . . . I just don't want to rush this."

Slowly, he grazed the back of his hand down her face, making her shudder in pleasure.

"I'm really glad I met you, Keira-Marie." His voice was softer than she'd ever heard it, his deep Scottish accent making her toes curl.

Keira placed her own hand on his knee, squeezing lightly. "I'm glad I met you too, Lewis."

They were staring at each other again in that helpless daze. She so desperately wanted to feel him against her, have his arms around her, lips pressed on hers.

Someone pinch her. Was she dreaming?

Lewis cleared his throat before huffing a laugh.

"We should probably have our drinks before they go cold," he jerked his head towards the table.

Reluctantly, she pealed her gaze away from him. "You really are the coffee king, aren't you?" Keira rolled her eyes, stroking a hand up his leg before going to reach for her drink.

Lewis groaned softly, gazing at where her hand had just been. "You do enjoy making this hard for me," he said with a playful smile. "I may be the king of coffee, but you are definitely the biggest tease."

Keira shrugged innocently, looking at him over the rim of her mug. "What can I say? I can't help myself."

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