Chapter 29 - kiss the waitress

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After applying to what seemed like a thousand places, Keira finally found a job at a small café on the other side of town. She'd managed to pick up as many shifts as she could handle, and although it took a while to get used to, she eventually found herself easing into the new routine.

She'd only been working there a couple of weeks but had already made friends with the customers. Keira enjoyed chatting to the regulars, sweet elderly people who she now saw nearly every day. She'd practically memorized each of their orders by now.

But even with her shifts after lectures and at the weekends, she still managed to spend time with Lewis. Although, with him always busy in the studio working on his album, it wasn't easy. She found herself missing him almost every minute of the day. But it just meant that when they did get round to seeing each other, she savoured every moment of it.

It was a Thursday afternoon and Keira was working the last hour of her shift, pottering about the café serving trays of coffee and cakes. She spotted someone sat by themselves in the corner of the shop lazily flipping through the menu and quickly made her way over to them.

"Hello, are you ready for me to take your order, sir?" she asked happily, like she'd been trained to do.

Keira reached down into the pocket of her apron, pulling out her notepad and pen before flipping it open to a blank page.

"Um, yeah. I'm actually wondering if I could get a kiss from the prettiest waitress here."

She would've been able to recognise that voice anywhere. The deep, raspy Scottish accent.

Quickly, Keira looked up from her notepad, smiling brightly as her eyes landed on Lewis casually leaning back in his chair.

"Hi," she said, shaking her head as though she couldn't believe it. "I thought you said you were busy this afternoon."

He ran a hand through his hair with a laugh. "Yeah, I am. I'm busy coming here."

She was grinning like an idiot, not able to look anywhere but his face. He'd taken the time to come all the way here just to see her. A warmth grew within her.

"Lewis, you didn't have to . . ."

"Keira, yes I did," he reached out a hand and wrapped it around her waist, pulling her closer towards his chair. "I wanted to."

She giggled, swatting him in the chest with her notepad before slipping out of his grip and looking around sheepishly. "Shhh, stop I'm working."

His eyes were bright with amusement as he folded his arms across his chest. "I'm pretty sure the staff aren't meant to assault their customers." He grinned.

"And I'm pretty sure customers aren't meant to ask to kiss the staff," she shot back.

He huffed a laugh. "Can I speak to your manager, please? I'm not really liking this attitude of yours."

Keira just rolled her eyes. "I would ask to take your order again, but I think I already know what you want."

Before he could reply, she had already spun on her heels, beginning to walk for the shop counter where the shining coffee machine was rumbling softly.

After finishing making him a large mug, she slid open the glass cake cabinet and reached for a brownie slice, knowing it was his favourite.

Lewis' eyes lit up as he noticed her approaching his table.

"Well shit, if I didn't love you before, I definitely do now," he smiled and she placed the brownie and coffee down in front of him.

"I should hope so," she said, resting her hand on his shoulder before remembering that she had to be professional in her new job and quickly drew it away.

"What time do you finish?" Lewis asked before taking a large bite of his brownie and giving a satisfied nod. "Damn this is good."

Keira laughed. "We're about to close up in a bit. I've just got some of cleaning to do and then I'm all yours."

"I like the sound of that," he said, looking up at her as he reached for his mug and took a gulp.

"In the meantime, sit back enjoy your food and drink, okay?" she replied, fixing her hair that was tied up in a messy bun.

"Now that, I can do," he joked, shovelling more brownie into his mouth.

"Great," she beamed beginning to walk away. "Oh, and Lewis," she said over her shoulder.


"You've got crumbs around your mouth," Keira chimed.

She didn't stop walking, but smiled as she heard his soft chuckle behind her. She could still hear him as she went back to work, wishing that time could somehow pass more quickly so that she could leave with him sooner.

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