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yumi 🤮


i feel my heart rate pumping as i stood at the front door of karasuno high's gym. i've been here plenty of times, i don't get why i'm so scared now.

i flatten the wrinkles on my dirty shorts and t-shirt. i could feel the sweat from my back dampen my t-shirt. i slowly approached the door, outstretching my hand to push the door open but i quickly put a stop to it; fingertips a few inches away from the door.

i retract my hand, deciding to head home and give hinata and kageyama an excuse. i turn around, letting out a sigh before taking off. i tighten my ponytail, brushing away the stray hairs that stuck to my forehead due to sweat.

i continue to walk towards the exit of the tinier school until i heard the sound of a machine running. i hold my breath; afraid that it might be one of hinata's teammates. i let out a sigh of relief as i heard the machine stop running.

i start to walk again, but quicker and cautiously. i feel my phone vibrate multiple times, i pause my fast walk. grabbing my phone from the back of my pocket. i flinched as the bright LED light illuminated the empty hallways.


shoyo 🤢HEYHEYHEYWHERE ARE UHELLO?!?!?!?yumikinda getting worried

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shoyo 🤢
kinda getting worried

yumi 🤮
oops sorry
i was #jk
i'm actually on the bus home


i feel my phone slip from my hands. out of instinct, i reach for it as it falls but it does not end up hitting the ground.

then, i realize a figure was above me. i slowly look upwards, he had long muscular legs with short black hair where bangs hung over his dark blue eyes.

"you shouldn't be here so late at night," he spoke, his voice was deep and quite low. he takes a glance at me, eyeing my practice clothes. "are you on the girls volleyball team?"

i squint at him, it was hard to see his face. "i'm part of the softball team," i continue to lean forward, the look on his face so familiar. he scowled as i leaned closer to him, i immediately pulled back. "can i have my phone back?"

"i didn't know karasuno had a softball team." he pondered to himself, lowering his hand down; handing my phone to me.

i let out a sly smirk, "who said i was part of karasuno's softball team? i attend aoba johsai." he stood there, his eyes unblinking. i smile wryly upon seeing his expression.

"miyazaki?" the tall boy towers over me, his dark eyes looking at me. i couldn't help but take a step backwards. as i continue to look at his face, his features soon become familiar.

"kageyama," i breathed out. i couldn't say that he was unattractive, he was absolutely stunning. i felt my cheeks flush at the thought. "nice to finally meet you." i stick my hand out before he could get any closer.

"tch, hinata's been waiting; why aren't you at the gym?" he crosses his arms over his chest, his face as stoic as ever.

wide eyed, my mind racked for any excuse. "i forgot i had other plans with friends." i place my hands to my back, giving him a placid smile to top it off. his eyes narrow, the scowl on his face getting deeper.

"whatever, do what you want. i'm not going to beg you to come watch." he drops his arms to the side of his body, face relaxing. he begins to walk away, leaving me slack jawed.

that wasn't what he was telling me earlier. i open my phone, seeing multiple texts from my orange haired friend. i let out a huff, stuffing my phone into the back pocket of my jeans. i march towards karasuno's gym, determined to not disappoint my friend.

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