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THE DARK HAIRED girl rushes up the stairs of shinzen high school, already late to watch her friends' matches. she pants as she looks around the area, her whereabouts unknown.

she bends down, placing her hands on her knees as she tries to slow down her breathing. she pulls out her phone from her back pocket before slipping it back in again.

shoyo and kenma probably don't have their phones on them, she thought. she heaves a sigh before walking around the campus, trying to find a building that resembled a gym.

she finally approaches a building that she thinks is a gym. she eyes the sliding metal doors with a suspicious look before she pulls them aside, letting out a loud screech that echoed throughout the gym.

she hesitantly peeked inside; dozens and dozens of teenage boys were throwing weird looks her way before going back to their game.

yumi inhaled a break of fresh air before she walked into the gym. she wore a confident smile while walking past all the volleyball players, closely scrutinizing them to find someone familiar to her.

as she squinted at all of them, she soon feels a soft hand wrap around her wrist and pull her towards them. her head snaps to the perpetrator, eyebrows cocked upwards.

"why're you here?" the monotone voice making its way to her ears.

she smiles sheepishly, playing with her hair as she tried to come up with an excuse for her absence, "why're you here?" she quipped, turning the attention onto the blond.

kenma rolls his eyes at her lame attempt at changing the subject, "you shouldn't be here."

"i wanted to be here though," she huffs, wrapping her arms around his bicep. "besides, what're they going to do to me? kick me off the team?"

"you told us that you were on probation because of your attempts of sneaking out. the can obviously kick you off." he shakes her arm off of his, making his way towards the nekoma team.

"but you're glad to see me, right?" she sidles up next to him, raising her brows cheekily as she saw kenma's apparent blush. "i was right! you are glad to see me." she exclaims, digging her nail into his cheeks.

he removes her finger off his face forcefully, wiping his cheek with his hand causing it to leave a red mark on the left side of his face. a couple feet away was lev, waving excitedly upon seeing the setter and his friend.

"kenma! do you mind passing me a few tosses before we start?" lev asks, holding a volleyball in his hands. kenma stares at the volleyball then stared at lev for a few seconds before walking past him.

"don't be rude!" yumi hollers at him, turning to the grey haired boy. "sorry, he's like that to everyone." she apologizes, watching kenma talk to kuroo from her peripheral vision.

"nah, it's okay!" he responds, throwing his hands up to ruffle his hair. "weren't you the girl that showed up two weeks ago? you're friends with hinata?" he questioned, craning his neck to get a better view of her face.

"yup, that's me. i'm yumi." she chuckles nervously at how close the first year got to her face.

"lev." he sticks his hand out, a grin spreading on his face.

"anyways, lev, did you happen to see shoyo?" she turns her head around, an embarrassing flush appearing the apples of her cheeks.

"yeah, they're with fukurodani. their match started already so you're kinda late on that." he soon straightens his back, placing his large hands on his hips.

"can you point me to where they are? please?" she asks. he happily obliges and points to the end of the gym, where there was a fierce match going on. she quickly says her thanks and approaches kenma.

she throws an arm across his shoulders nonchalantly, he stays apathetic, already used to how clingy yumi was. "nice to see you again, kuroo." she greets, a smirk appearing from seeing the third year.

"can't say the same for myself, yumi." he laughs, spreading his arms out. she giggles softly, removing her arm from kenma's shoulders, making her way to kuroo's open arms. yumi wraps her arms around his torso, resting her cheek onto his shoulder blades. he returns the gesture and the two quickly pull away afterwards.

"you're the reason why kenma ditched practice those two days." he accused, jokingly pointing a finger towards her way. the girl feigns shock before breaking character and letting out a laugh.

she then turns to kenma, the same goofy look slowly dying down when seeing kenma's sullen face, "i'm gonna watch the karasuno and fukurodani game. you wanna come watch with me?" she asks, placing her hand on his shoulder.

kenma shakes his head, waving her off, "i have my own match to worry about," he stares her in the eye, catching the hesitant look she gives him, "you can watch them, tell me about it later." he shakes off her grip, ushering her towards the other side of the court.

"alright then," the hesitancy in her voice lingering even as she slowly takes a step towards the other team. "let me know if there's anything wrong." she mutters to the older one, finally taking larger steps but there was no denying the worrisome feeling she felt as she walked away from her friend.

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