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yumi :)


yumi :)

you're here already?

yumi :)
shut upppp

where are you?

yumi :)

wait there

yumi :)


KAGEYAMA STEPS OUT of the club room, inhaling. he peers over the railing for any sign of movement, he leans back and makes his way down the stairs. he finds the girl sitting down on the pavement, staring at her phone screen in a bored fashion.

"hey, idiot," kageyama croaked out, standing three feet away from her. yumi's eyes look up, the corners of her lips moving upwards. she pushes herself off of the ground, rubbing off any excess dirt from her bottom.

"sup kags, how've you been?" she rushes next to his side, her fingers ever so slightly brushing along his.

"been better," he makes a turn. yumi trailing behind him, struggling to keep up with his long strides. "you?" he turns to look at her only to find her with a hand on her forehead, repeatedly swiping away the sweat.

"sorry, you just walk really fast," she attempts to chuckle but it was cut short as she had run out of breath once again. kageyama walks over to her, awkwardly placing his arm on the small of her back. yumi holds her breath, what on earth was he doing?

she turns to look up at him, "i'm okay, no need to w-worry," the brunette stammers, she gulps nervously. kageyama immediately takes a step back, an uncomfortable silence fills the air.

kageyama clears his throat awkwardly, "y-you can stay out here as long as you'd like. the club room's the first door," he nods his head at her, the familiar pink hue dusted onto his cheeks once again. he makes his way up the stairs, looking over at yumi before stepping inside of the club room filled with loud shouts of frustration.

yumi lets out the breath she had been holding, "holy shit," she whispered to herself, pushing her hands onto her knees. she takes another gulp of air, trying to compose herself. was it possible that hinata and kenma were right about his feelings? what kageyama just did now was excruciatingly obvious.

her thoughts begin to overflow her mind; things such what if, hopefully, maybe. she shakes her head, giving herself a hard smack to the face. "tell him about it later," she mumbles to herself, making her way up to the club room.

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