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yumi :)
would like facetime!

yumi: "hi," she sits up, her face was brightly lit but anybody could tell that she was distressed. "you good?" she notices the prominent scowl on his face.

kageyama: his eyebrows move upwards, not bothering to spare a single glance towards his phone. he was outside what seemed to be his home, a volleyball was in the air as he practiced setting the ball.

yumi: "you seem to be practicing a lot," the brunette laughs, stepping outside of her home; slipping on her shoes. she begins to walk around her neighborhood, eyes trained on her phone; watching kageyama set the ball. "not gonna talk to me?"

kageyama: he finally spares her a glance, setting his volleyball to the side. he takes a few steps towards his phone, grabbing ahold of it. "sorry, i was trying to get ready for this training camp in tokyo."

yumi: a smile dances on yumi's face, "you're going to tokyo, too," her eyes soon crease as she hears the news. "remember that time we couldn't facetime? because i was studying for finals?" kageyama nods, his heart aching as he stares at her smile through his phone.

kageyama: "you have to pass your finals, too?" she nods at his question. the morning breeze made kageyama shiver, thankfully he had a jacket on to keep him warm.

yumi: "are you studying? you don't wanna miss training camp because of that." she gives him a toothy grin, her eyes bright as she lectured him.

kageyama: he laughs genuinely, nodding.

yumi: "i'm so excited to see everyone again! kenma, bokuto, kuroo, keiji, yaku, yamamoto, konoha," the girl rants, naming several volleyball players that kageyama wasn't familiar with. "but i'm probably gonna be busy with training camp too, so i won't be able t-"

kageyama: kageyama stares at the ground as she continued to ramble, a question bubbling up inside him. "one of them your boyfriend?" he interrupts, his voice cutting through her voice.

yumi: she pauses her stroll, she tried her best to act as if nothing was wrong. "oh, right. keiji." giving him a weak smile as she notices his face fall.

kageyama: "tell me about him." he struggled to speak with a knot stuck in his throat. the feeling in his stomach returned and brought him great pain. she gives him a stare, blinking confusedly.

yumi: "um, okay. keiji's tall, around your height. he's a 2nd year, actually. he has dark-ish, light-ish blue eyes. he attends fukurodani so i'm sure you'll meet him since he also plays volleyball," her voice quavers as she tried to find some more things to tell him, "oh! he's a setter as well."

kageyama: blue eyes? i thought the guy she met at the café had brown eyes? he thought. he decided not to comment on it. nonetheless, the unpleasant feeling in his stomach rose up to his chest. no response. his mindset got sidetracked when he met the seijoh girl. he began to fall for her. kageyama tobio got distracted and it resulted in heartbreak. he couldn't let miyazaki ayumi break his heart again.

yumi: "kageyama?" her voice broke him out of his gaze.

kageyama: "sorry, i just remembered that hinata and i were meeting up with some upperclassmen to study. we aren't doing so well with finals coming up." he forces a laugh out.

yumi: "okay, then. see y-" the call quickly cuts off. wow, that's nice she thought, stuffing her phone into her back pocket.

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