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YUMI SHOVES HER phone into the back pocket of her jeans, running over to the pile of balls. "you ready?" she asks, handing kageyama a ball before jogging to the other side of the court.

kageyama nods firmly, breathing out a sigh. he throws the ball up into the air, getting a run-up before jumping upwards and smacking the ball with such power. yumi freezes in place, her legs carrying her towards the direction where the ball was heading.

she braces herself for impact, head turned away and her arms stuck out oddly. no pain? the ball hasn't fully made its way to her even though she had heard the thumping sound of the volleyball making contact with the gym floor.

yumi opens her eyes hesitantly, dropping her arms to her side. she looks around for the ball to find it only a couple of feet away from her. she picks the circular object up, looking at kageyama's side of the court.

he was already getting ready for another spike. yumi drops the ball and goes back to her original spot on her side of the court. she tries to read his face, figuring out which direction he was spiking the ball. with no luck, he spikes another hard ball.

it was coming in swiftly, again, yumi's legs ran to a spot where she had guessed the ball was going. she sticks her arms out with her hands in the same position she's always seen shoyo done. then, she feels the hard impact from kageyama's hit onto her forearm.

her eyes shoot open, widening with amusement. even thought the ball only just shot up towards the ceiling, her excitement couldn't have increased anymore. the ball falls downwards quickly, the same thumping sound echoed in the volleyball court.

"holy shit, i did it!" yumi jumps around happily, her hands bunched up in a fist. she pumps her hand joyously, running to where kageyama was. "did you see that? did you?"

his lips quirked up into a tiny smile, he quickly hid it with the usual stoic face. he ruffles her hair, messing it up. "good job. try getting it over the net next time," he teases, pushing her to her side of the court softly.

yumi pouts, sticking out her tongue at the dark haired boy. she walks onto the opposite side of the court, gathering two balls in her hand while she pushed the others with her feet. she dumps it into the cart while kageyama continued to practice.

once she had finished, she sat atop the wooden floorboard, watching him as he nailed the volleyball onto the floor. the impact always shook the ground, each hit getting more and more impenetrable.

she played with the top of the plastic bottle, an unconscious smile laying atop her lips as she watched him with hearts looming around her.

"oi, yumi," he hollers, his hands motioning for her to join him on the court. she pushes herself off the ground, scurrying over to him. she hums for him to continue, her fingers playing with one another as she waited. "do you still wanna.."

yumi waits impatiently, rocking on her heels as she waited for him to continue his sentence. "wanna what?"

"wanna try a spike?" he mutters under his breath, already regretting calling her over. her eyes shined as he asked her, she clings onto his arm tightly.

"of course!" kageyama lets out a breath of relief as yumi continued to squeal over finally being able to learn how to do a proper spike. he manages to contain the energetic girl by holding her firmly by the shoulders, keeping her in place.

"ooh, can i try your kind of serves? what's it called? are they difficult to do? it looks fun," although, yumi was contained, all she did was talk about her enthusiasm. "are there any other serves? can i try-"

kageyama places his right hand over her mouth, immediately shutting up her talkativeness. "finally, you shut up," he lets go of his hand on her mouth, releasing his grip on her shoulder. "the serve i do is called a jump serve, i guess you could say it's difficult."

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