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miyazaki: "pst, are you still awake," miyazaki whispers into the speaker, watching as the blue eyed boy's chest heaved up and down. "guessing not." she snuggled into her pillow closer, pulling her covers over her chest.

miyazaki: a few minutes pass by before she uttered another sentence, "you know, i'm really grateful that i met you," she confesses, licking her chapped lips; pulling her phone closer to her view. "i barely had anything going on before i met you." the brunette sighs.

kageyama: kageyama shifts and turns at the sound of her voice but still remained asleep. the light from his phone illuminated his resting face, he looked at peace for once. the scowl on his face washed away and was replaced with a pleasant smile.

miyazaki: "when you're not giving me dirty looks, you actually look really pretty. that's too bad," she lets out a chuckle, a few strands of hair falling onto her face. "i'm going to die if you're actually awake this whole time and you've just been listening in on my conversation." she buries her face into her pillow, a wide smile on her face.

miyazaki: "i kind of want you to wake up because i'm bored," she stares at his bangs, wishing she could just brush it away from his eyes. "but you look so happy.," she takes one last look at him before setting her phone down on her bedside table.

miyazaki: "goodnight kags, sweet dreams." she shuts her lamp off, the darkness filling her room quickly. she hears kageyama shift, her heart stops at the thought of him listening to her this whole time but kageyama's soft snores soon fill her room. she lets out a sigh of relief, shutting her eyes as sleep consumed her body.

a/n: this is so short hehedhdb

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