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"DO YOU REALLY have to go?" yumi pouts, latching onto shoyo's arm. kenma stood beside her, sharing a look with the ginger. "i mean- you and kageyama don't seem to be on good terms as of today's events. and you need to be more careful, call out for the ball or something next time!"

the girl thinks back to the past events, reliving the tension that she felt from the team. shoyo elbows her side, releasing her grip on his arm. "what do you mean? that machine and i are good. and i will be careful, promise." he forces a laugh to escape from his lips to convince his friends.

"good, that's good," she lets out a satisfied hum when looking between her best friends. her eyes widen in amusement as a tall grey haired guys approaches them, "psst, your teammate's coming." she whispered to the blonde beside her.

he looks up in annoyance, staring at lev as he walks toward them with the familiar. "see ya later, hinata. i'll stop you next time, too." he bends over with his hands on his hips, smirking.

yumi looks at the two of them, a grin emerging from her lips as shoyo uttered a retort. kenma soon tugs on the sleeve of her shirt, jerking his head towards her crush. his blue eyes meet her brown ones.

"are you just gonna keep staring at him or are you actually gonna talk?" kenma interrupts the staring contest between the two, nudging her softly.

she blinks several times, ripping her gaze away from him and onto kenma. she rolls her eyes, "i wanna go over there but i don't wanna go over there, you know?"

kenma stares at her, deadpanning at her sentence. "what does that even mean?" his forehead creases as he shuts his eyes frustratedly, running a hand through his hair.

he opens his eyes, placing his hands on her shoulders, "just- talk to him," his hands drop to his sides, lightly pushing her towards the direction of the dark haired boy.

she sighs as an attempt to calm herself down before she catches him walking towards them, "he's coming here, what do i do?" the female immediately turns to kenma, panic practically dripping from her voice.

he shrugs, retreating back to the group of boys with shoyo and lev. she attempts to grab hold of the hem of his t-shirt but the setter quickly slips out of her grasp. she throws kenma a desperate look, her palms pressed together. but he simply ignored her.

"hey." yumi jumps at the sound of the booming voice, she slowly turns around, an awkward smile dancing on her lips.

"hi, kageyama," she places her hands to her back, nervously playing with her fingers as she tried to feign confidence. "how've you been?"

his eyebrows furl, "i-i've been okay. and you?" he attempts to get the conversation going but it seems as if yumi wasn't cooperating. all she did was a simple shrug.

a few seconds pass by before yumi spoke, "you and shoyo," she pauses, thinking over her words carefully. "you guys are fine, right?"

kageyama stays silent for a couple moments before nodding. i shouldn't worry her, he thinks. "don't you have practice, too?" he inquires, adjusting the strap of his bag.

she stares at him, "are we not going to talk about what happened?" she huffs, stray pieces of hair sticking to her forehead due to the sweat building up.

"i don't really think this is the time to be talking about this," he looks at his surroundings cautiously, looking out for someone. yumi rolls her eyes, the annoyance bubbling up inside her the more he glances around himself.

"so, when?" she asks, tapping her foot against the ground impatiently. "are we just going to ignore it forever?"

kageyama's face scrunches up in frustration, "you have a boyfriend, yumi. did you just forget about your relationship? he was here, we played against him today. you saw it! you saw him. you don't know about the amount of guilt i hold inside because i was actually co- " he pauses, stopping his train of words before he said something he would soon regret.

yumi stands there, baffled. "that's right, i have a boyfriend," she mumbles to herself, the boyfriend idea completely slipped through her mind. frustration builds up as well as regret fills her mind.

the boy in front of her scoffs, walking away from her, leaving yumi in a complete spiral of emotions.

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