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would like facetime!

"hey, kags," silence. there was just silence on the other line. "are you mad that we couldn't facetime earlier? i'm sorry, i was busy studying for finals."  she sighs, rubbing her temples.

kageyama: "don't apologize, idiot. you were studying, i get it." he croaked. she looked taken aback by that. he stared at miyazaki as she tried to study, the focus that is radiating off of her practically makes him want to study with her.

miyazaki: "why'd you call earlier?" she asked, looking up from her notebook, casting her led pencil aside. she wiggles her fingers, awaiting the raven haired boy's response.

kageyama: "i was just sad." he says darkly, his scowl had washed away and was replaced with a bleak gaze.

miyazaki: "well then i'll try to get your mind off of it, okay," she looks at him through her screen, wishing to reach out and give him a tight hug. "let's talk about our days. you first." she then goes back to writing down notes in her notebook.

kageyama: "kind of boring. honestly, i looked forward to this conversation this whole day," kageyama looked at his phone for her reaction. "which is kind of disappointing." he added, unsure of her reaction due to the lack of light in her room.

miyazaki: the brunette lets out a giggle, "i really do be the highlight of your day, though. and it's not disappointing! you're talking to me." she jokes; both her eyes and mouth smiling. "anyways, i got scolded by my coach for my grades, i guess. there are so many unnecessary letters in english , it's tiring."

kageyama: he listens and watches her lips move as she continues to rant about the language. kageyama couldn't tell anyone about these feelings to anyone because he himself can't understand anything about it. he felt light and always so overjoyed around the girl.

miyazaki: "oh, my gosh. i have something to tell you, though," he hums for her to go on. "so, before i went home, i had a drink with my friend at a café. i saw this cute guy and my friend told me to go shoot my shot. so, i asked for his number! and i got it." miyazaki rambles, her heart pounding from the excitement of the current events.

kageyama: the sadness he felt earlier suddenly came back as he listened to his crush talk about a boy. his heart ached and all he wanted to do was end the call. "so, have you texted him yet?" he finally replies, he nervously taps his fingers against his desk; anxiously waiting for the answer.

miyazaki: "yeah, i have. but i honestly don't think anything's gonna come out of it. he seems like a dry texter," miyazaki giggles, making a silly face at the camera since kageyama seemed sad again. "don't be sad that i found a guy, you're always number one in my heart." the brown eyed girl teases but the boy doesn't seem to be amused.

kageyama: "i'm getting pretty tired, i should go to bed," he tries to give her a smile but is clearly upset about the situation. he couldn't lie that he felt a sense of relief when she said that nothing was going to come out of it.

miyazaki: "oh, okay, night kags, sweet dreams," she stares at him worriedly. "take care of yourself, okay?" she watches for his reaction but nothing ever comes.

kageyama: "i told you to stop calling me that, miyazaki. i don't like it," his eyebrows knit together and the scowl made its way back to its home. "understand that no means no." he scolded harshly, ending the call abruptly; shocking both of them.

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