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miyazaki sets her phone aside, sipping on her coffee. she takes a look to her side, kageyama was zoning out staring out the window. "you okay?" the girl sets her hand on his shoulder, flinching at the sudden contact.

kageyama straightens up, giving her a nod. "are you? sorry if i hurt your feelings." he plays with the rim of his coffee cup, anticipating her answer.

miyazaki lets out a laugh, "are we still on that? dude, it's okay. you apologized, it's fine." her laugh slowly dies down to a warm smile plastered on her face. she watches as kageyama sigh in relief.

the two of them stay silent for a while, but it was a comfortable silence. the café wasn't as filled as most café's but there were a few people there working on reports, documents, whatever.

"i remember going here with my friend, sarang." she spoke suddenly, kageyama looking at her with his dark blue eyes filled with curiosity.

"sarang. is she korean?" the girl nods, taking another swig of her coffee. "i'm guessing this is the same shop where you met that guy, huh?" she nods once again, setting her empty coffee cup down.

she swivels her chair around, pointing at a spot in the corner, "that's where he sat. he had shaggy hair and pretty brown eyes," kageyama's mouth turns downwards, fiddling with his cup once again. "when i texted him, though, he was a completely different person."

kageyama perks up at her sentence, "he had no humor and i didn't really like that. he was really dry to me anyways," she laughs upon seeing kageyama's subtle grin. "don't get any ideas."

kageyama leans backward, his mouth slightly agape. "me? with you? you wish you were with someone like me." miyazaki shoves him playfully, grabbing ahold of her phone in the process.

"so, where're we going next, kags?" the nickname still caused his heart to flutter, the blush stood out more in person.

"amusement park?" he says cluelessly, stepping off of the stool. miyazaki jumps off, walking beside kageyama. the door jingles as it opens and closes, the walk through the streets of miyagi calmly.

the height difference between the two of them wasn't too drastic. kageyama being 5'11" and miyazaki standing at 5'6". though, it's still very obvious kageyama was the taller one of the two.

miyazaki excitedly loops her arms with kageyama's, walking ahead of him. "amusement park? did you search up where to take girls to cheer up on google?" kageyama's cheeks burn pink as he looks away flustered, the smile on his face was natural, not forced.

"be grateful that i'm actually making this much of an effort to make you feel better." he takes larger strides with his long legs, walking ahead with miyazaki attached to his arm. she looks up, staring at his pretty smile.

"you should smile more." miyazaki says abruptly. kageyama's eyes go wide, his strides get slower along with his breathing going haggard.

"just for you." he displays another toothy grin. his smile, contagious, spreads to miyazaki. the corners of her mouth twitching upwards. her grip on his arm tightens, the pink hue evident on her face. kageyama didn't notice, he was too focused on the voice inside of his mind cheering him on.

together, the duo walked towards the amusement park, arms looped with one another's.

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