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YUMI WAS SOON greeted by a familiar blonde waving from the sidelines, beckoning for her to join them. a warm smile set on her face as she spots yachi's welcoming grin, the girl pulling her in for a quick hug.

"it's great to see you again, yumi. how's tokyo been for you?"

"it's so damn hot! i swear, this is why i could never live here. take me to alaska, please." she exasperated to her friend, her exaggerated features causing the manager in training to giggle.

"it's not that bad here, though. it's a bit cooler." yachi pats her back, turning her attention back to the game in front of her. they both continue to watch the game in silence with yachi scribbling in her notepad to take notes once in a while.

yumi shifts her attention to the other side of the net, fukurodani. she unconsciously smiles when seeing a few of her city friends concentrated on the game in front of them. as her eyes roam around their side of the court, she catches sight of a sulking bokuto to the side.

yumi tugs on yachi's sleeve without taking her eyes off of her dear friend, "what's wrong with bokuto?"

"hm, number 4? i dunno, he missed a few spikes earlier but it's nothing to be upset over. mistakes happen, y'know?" yumi nodded at her response, watching as akaashi performed a setter dump.

yumi claps softly, she looks up at the score board. fukurodani in the lead with 23 while karasuno was behind a point. she continued to remain neutral throughout the rest of the match, cheering for both sides of the court.

yumi furrows her brows at the sight of one of her best friend's and her beloved crush talking to one another. have they made up already? she thought. her thoughts soon interrupted by the abrupt sound of the whistle signaling the match was over.

yachi soon shuts her agape mouth, "wah, so close!" she uttered, her eyes shining with interest, watching the two teams rejoice.

"aw, i missed the winning shot!" yumi whines, her bottom lip jutting out with her hands thrown up in the air. yachi laughs at the girl's childish actions, throwing an arm around her shoulders.

"you'll see all of them play again soon, yumi," yachi consoles the moping female. "besides, i'm sure you're as excited as me to see kageyama and hinata's new quick in action."

"that's right, i've been meaning to ask. have they made up already?" yumi asks, unconsciously disregarding what her blonde friend had said about their new quick attack.

yachi nods, "i believe they just made up today, i think," yumi hums, deep in her thoughts.

"i think you should join them, yachi." she motions towards the karasuno team gathering in a bunch.

yachi nibbles on her bottom lip, watching the coach pull the team together for a talk. the blonde nods, slipping her arms away from her shoulders but not before muttering a soft goodbye from under her breath.


the girl turns around to find the source of the voice, catching the welcoming smile of the ace of fukurodani and her so called boyfriend. a grin gracing her lips as she neared her friends.

"bokuto, keiji." she greets, rocking back and forth on her heels. keiji rolls his eyes playfully while bokuto pulls her in for a tight embrace.

"i'm still waiting for that onigiri." keiji says as soon as bokuto and yumi pulled away from the hug. her cheeks go red in embarrassment as his repayment completely slipped her mind.

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