So long Helena- 4

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The dim light of the moon shone through the shutters on the windows that were blocking out my room from the rest of the world. I could hear the faint sound of music off in the distance and people yelling and screaming. Or maybe they were laughing.

The low pounding of the music seemed to vibrate the whole room and even the furniture. I knew that in reality, that wasn't what was really happening. But since it was deadly silent, that's what it felt like. I leaned my head back against the headboard of the bed and closed my eyes. It was about two in the morning and I couldn't sleep.

I didn't even really want to sleep. I was afraid that same nightmare would come back again. Each time I experience it, it feels more real. When I see Sean in my dreams, I smile. He's back....I can be with my brother again! It's illogical but I couldn't help but feel the happiness spread throughout my body all the way to my fingertips.

Then he would be ripped away from me. Before I even had a chance to say that I had missed him.

I clutched the sides of my legs tighter, my black nails digging into my pale skin. It hurt to think about him, so why did I do it? On the contrary, how could I not? I couldn't just forget about him. He was there all throughout my childhood, he was my childhood.

I breathed in heavily as I swung my bare feet over the old mattress, which smelled somewhat of vomit and insects, and padded over to the ajar door that led to the living room.

Within the matter of only a few seconds, I was just outside my apartment door. The skin of my seemingly fragile foot touched the cool cement, sending small shivers through my body.

I walked over to the metal railing and looked over the edge. My apartment was on the third floor, which was also the top floor. Cars whizzed by, beeping loudly and music blaring. I had never lived in such a populated area. It was a little much to take in.

I began to shiver slightly. It was the beginning of September and here I was, my skin almost completely bare, sitting outside, in the dead of the night.

I chuckled at this. I was mental.

"Helena. Right?"

The silence was broken by a smooth, yet scratchy, male voice. I could tell that this guy smoked. I turned my head slowly to the side to cast my eyes on the figure that knows my name. The streetlights didn't cast enough light so that I could see the guy correctly. But it was enough for me to recognize him as the guy who I bumped into not too long ago. The one who I wrote 'Helena' on his hand.

I nodded slowly and silently and turned back towards the railing.

"You don't talk much, do you?" The guy questioned as he leaned over the railing, imitating what I was doing.

I shook my head 'no' without a second thought. It was the truth. I never talked. So why was he talking back?

"I see. Why not?" He asked, running his hands through his long, damp hair. Why was his hair damp?

I blinked in surprise as I put my hand to my own head, my hair was also damp. I looked up warily into the night sky. Rainfall. When did it start raining? I looked down at my arms which were covered in raindrops and down at my pathetic red gym shorts from senior year and my slim black t-shirt. Both of them were soaked. How does one get completely wet from the rain when she doesn't even know it's raining? I began to shiver more fiercely, forgetting about the question.

"Here, hold on a sec-" The guy turned on his heel and marched his way back into his apartment before I could even blink. Seconds later he came running back out with a black lump in his hand. He shut the door behind him swiftly and handed the black lump to me.

So long, Helena (MCR Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now