So long, Helena- 2

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*Mikey's POV*

"Hello, welcome to the Boombox. CDs are half-off."

An emotionless voice sounded over the ringing of the door, which signaled that a new customer had come in. A short man stood behind the dusty, light grey, counter. He was leaning over it, staring down at a torn apart comic book. He was flipping through the pages with his black fringe hanging down so I couldn't see his face properly.

The Boombox was a small, cramped music store which sold everything from CDs, to Instruments, to old sheet music. The man behind the counter and I were the only ones in here. I guess the Boombox wasn't very popular.

Eventually I found myself surrounded by multiple Anthrax CDs, sitting on the hard-wood floor with my legs crossed.

I wasn't aware of how long I had stayed in there. All I knew was that I was enjoying myself as I walked through the dusty shelves which held almost everything you could think of that had some relation to music. At one point I found myself staring at a whole wall of guitars and basses. All of them were so out of my price range but it couldn't hurt to stare right?

"You play bass?"

I looked to my right and the man who had welcomed me to the shop earlier was staring at me, his eyes flickering from me, to the wall, then back to me. His hands were shoved into his jean pockets.

"Uhh. Yeah. I do."

I kept glancing over at him so I could try and get a closer look of what he looks like. I almost shuddered when I saw the piercings on his lip and nose. I would never be able to get a piercing of any sort. It just freaks me out. His eyes were a light brown color. Almost like the color of mud. He also had several tattoos trailing up his arms. That was another thing that I would never be able to get. A tattoo. I always thought of them as some sort of trashy way to vandalize your body or something. I guess I never really understood tattoos then because this man's tattoos were memorizing.

"Like what you see?"

I snapped my head up and blinked in surprise at the man's words. Wait...what? "Uh...."

"It's okay, dude. You're not the first and hopefully not the last."

I stood dumbfounded as the man walked away and returned to his position behind the counter. How was I supposed to respond to this? Did I even hear him right?

"Hopefully?" I questioned, my eyebrows furrowed.

He smirked and leaned over the counter like he was doing when I first walked in. He didn't reply though as he trained his eyes on another comic book. This one wasn't as old looking but was still pretty ancient.

"I'm Mikey..." I called out. This kind of reminded me of the girl that I had trying talking to right after Gerard broke my bass. I frowned at the memory. She didn't speak to me. Was it something I said? How could it have been that? I had barely said five words to her.

He looked up from the comic book and his smirk grew wider, showing his teeth. "I know." He said softly before looking back down to his comic book.

"Wait. What?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Your shirt." He explained, his eyes staring at my chest intently. I looked down to see what he was staring at and sure enough, I was wearing my favorite shirt ever. The one that said 'Mikey fuckin Way'.

I smiled a little bit and looked back up at him. "Oh." I said in a small voice. I wasn't usually the one that put effort in trying to keep a conversation going. But now, it seemed as if I was the only one putting effort into it.

He looked back down at his comic, not replying. I frowned. Did people just enjoy ignoring me? "What's your name?" I questioned, stepping towards the counter slowly.

So long, Helena (MCR Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now