So long, Helena- 6 (1996)

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***Okay so here's a bit of a warning for you younger readers. Uh- There's a bit of mature material in this chapter. So i'm sorry if you don't enjoy that kinda stuff but it's just part of the story. 

Hope you enjoy the chapter anyways. <3***

It was a Friday, mid-October of the year 1996. It was around that time of the year when the air was getting noticeably chillier but there were still some girls who pretended like it was still summer, and still dressed in tank tops in shorts. Then they would spend all day complaining about how cold they were. It was also that time of year when a lot of parties were thrown after a football game. And the last football game of the season was tonight. 

Sean had quite a bit planned for this specific Friday. He was itching to throw a party, since his parents would be out on a business trip. He would be doing a bit of rule-breaking this weekend.

"Mom and dad are out of town this weekend,okay? And I need you to keep a secret." Sean spoke to Helena softly as he poured some Cheerios into his small breakfast bowl.


"Well, they said no friends over but after the game this Friday, I'm having a very SMALL party." Sean explained, pouring a very large amount of milk into his cereal. Ewe. Helena hated milk.

"What?" Helena questioned again, raising her eyebrow and stuffing some of her own cereal into her mouth.

"It'll be very small and I need you to PROMISE ME not to tell our parents."

"Yeah, because lying to your parents is ALWAYS a good idea, Sean." She rolled her eyes and stood up from the table to dump her bowl out.

"Helena, please?"

"Yeah whatever, but if I get in trouble for this..." Helena stalked out of the kitchen so she could go back into her room. She could honestly care less about Sean's rebellion. 

Now, it was Friday and Helena was sat up in her room and Sean was at the football game. Probably throwing popcorn at the cheerleaders or screaming random phrases into the air.

When he came home, he brought a few friends. Every so often another boy would walk in the door. Around eleven, a few girls started showing up at the door, with cans of beer in hand. And from the look of their choice of clothing and their faces that were caked with make-up, Helena could tell that they were purposely trying to get some attention.

'Whores', Helena thought to herself.

She just stayed hushed away in her room, listening to the sound of yelling and drunken laughs from downstairs and trying to occupy herself. This bothered her deeply actually...

She started to hear footsteps around twelve. Someone was coming upstairs. To HER room. There was a loud booming pound on her door, making her flinch.

A slurred voice then carried its way into her room. "HEYYYO, w-who be in there?"

A high-pitched giggle came echoing after it and Helena scoffed in disgust.

"How about you go away? Thanks." Helena called out sarcastically. It was more of a statement instead of a question.

And before she knew it, Sean was standing before her, clutching her arm and dragging her out the door. Helena yelped as the grip on her arm grew stronger and pulled her down the stairs, and into another room. Helena yanked her arm away from Sean and looked at her surroundings. They were in the study.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Helena screeched as she went to reach for the door. So she could get back to her room before anyone could do so much as hug in her little sanctuary.

So long, Helena (MCR Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now