So Long Helena - 9

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So I've decided to take a different route in writing this story. Honestly the chapters before this have just been all over the place, so I'm trying to clean it up a bit more. I want it to be more organized. So every other chapter, will be about Helena's life back in London when she was still with her family in 1996. I'll have the dates in the beginning of the chapter so no one gets confused.

Anyways, after a whole year, I decided to give you guys another update. Hopefully I can get the next chapter up without waiting another year. Enjoy!


Gerard and Helena arrived at a dinky little coffee shop just a block away from their apartment.

Ordinary yellow Christmas lights lined the walls. Vintage photographs were hung up and there was a mix of comfy leather couches and tall wooden tables with matching wooden stools. It was cozy, and neither of them had ever been there before.

Gerard ordered drinks for the both of them as Helena found them a small table in the corner next to the window.

When Gerard returned, he set Helena's plain black coffee in font of her and sat down. But not without spilling hot coffee all over his hand.


Gerard hurriedly wiped the steaming liquid onto his jeans. Helena just shook her head, smiled, and carefully sipped her drink.

"So, I know you don't speak," Gerard began. "But I had an idea."

Helena raised an eyebrow.

"It's a game, you see. Basically, I ask you a yes or no question and you either nod yes or shake your head no. Then I'll continue to answer the question myself. Just so we could get to know each other. Deal?"

Helena sat her drink down, thought for a second, then continued to nod her head.

"Great! Okay, first question; have you ever skipped school?" He wanted to start off light.

She nodded with a small smile. It had been a thing she did often. Especially when she was upset.

"Wow! A bad girl. I dig it." Gerard laughed. "Honestly, I never did. My parents were strict about that kind of stuff. Next question. Have you ever stolen anything?"

She shook her head.

"Well, there goes that bad girl rep that you had going."

Helena spat out her coffee at that statement. And she laughed. She noticed how much this guy was able to make her smile. He was the first person in a long time who could actually take her mind off of everything.

"You have a pretty laugh, Helena."

This stopped her laughing. A small blush warmed her cheeks and immediately looked away, She wished that he wouldn't comment on stuff like that. She's so incredibly self-conscious about her voice, her laugh, anything really.

"Sorry," Gerard said, quickly trying to recover. "The only thing I've ever stolen is girl's hearts," he winked.

This got Helena to smile a bit again, but not much.

"Why are you holding back? Do you not like having fun?"

Helena looked back up at Gerard and stared directly at him. She considered his question. It wasn't that she didn't like having fun, she just didn't know how to. And being social gave her awful anxiety. She was shocked that she was even here with him. It was something about him. Maybe it was how he still wanted to get to know her even though she was obviously a freak.

So long, Helena (MCR Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now