As the man said I would see him again, I did, several times I would see him out of the corner of my eye and when I turned my head he was gone.
My ninth birthday is coming up in a week, on August 30. Right now I'm walking around a strip mall with a few friends to just spend time till my birthday. As we were passing an abandoned shop I feel an urge to look over and I do, I see that man with his unmistakable black hair and cloak, but he's not watching me.
I tell my friends to go ahead while I go talk to someone. I walk over to the man, "Hi."
He turned to look at me and his usual scowl is replaced by surprise, "Most amusing that you have found me here, when I was looking for you."
"Why were you looking for me?"
"I have to give you this." He dug in his robes and pulled out a brownish envelope with a red wax logo type thing on the front.
"What is it?"
He ignored my question, "I will come get you in a week be packed and ready." He turned on his heel and disappeared through the crowd of people.
After that I was excited to read the letter from my friend but I will wait till I got home. I stuffed the letter in my pocket and caught up with my friends, "I'm back."
One of the five girls whose name is Darcy jumps and looks at me, "When did you leave?"
My heart sank a little, "I told you I was going to see someone."
"Oh, well no one else noticed you gone either but... ooh lets go there I've been dying to get that sweater." She skipped with all of her friends to the store leaving me behind disappointed. I didn't really want to be around them anymore anyways.
I slowly walked home thinking of what "great" friends I have. When I finally got home it was dark and I slipped up to my room without being noticed.
My room is illuminated by the moon easily but I still turn on the light to read the letter.
Dear Miss Snape-James,
It is to our delight that we are writing to say we have accepted you into Hogwart School of Wizardry and Witchcraft. Professor Snape will arrive at your home at 10 am on August 30 to bring you to diagon alley then to the school. Do not worry about school supplies Professor Snape will see to that.Headmaster Dumbledore
Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and WizardryAfter reading the letter twice I thought it was a joke, but it cant be when that man gave it to me. He seemed so serious like he wouldn't play a joke on anyone. I began to get excited about Hogwarts as I lay down to go to sleep.
[If you guys didn't notice earlier she said she had many friends and she was popular but you have to remember she is 8 and and thinks she is an orphan so she doesn't have high standards for being popular. In reality she has very little friends and her thought to be friends are really just jerks she hangs with, but she doesn't know any different. And as to why she is walking around with our an adult well I don't have a reason so yolo. Just a little back info. Thanks for reading this part I will get the new chapter up asap. Abbi]