Chapter Eleven

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I mostly sat with my book, perfectly placed on my lap as I sat on top of my bed and read. "Knock-knock-knock" said Justin and walked into my bedroom with a smile from one ear to the other.

"Hey" I replied and looked up only once from my book to see his gigantic smile, "What's going on?" I asked as I saw him holding something in his hand. "So, I figured since I ignored you the last time we did something together..." said Justin and made the oh so familiar sound of keys being thrown around. "Maybe you could decide where we're going?" continued Justin and threw his keys on me, hitting my face by mistake.

"Ouch!" I yell as the impact of something so tiny! Did much more damage than usual. "Oh, sorry!" said Justin and chuckled as he bent down to help me get up from the bed and downstairs to get an ice-bag for my forehead.

"Well, that didn't go as planned" said Justin as he helped me get back upstairs again and sat with me on the bed.

"Sorry... again" said Justin and tried to comfort me, but I could tell that he hadn't done this before. "It's ok" I replied and kept on pushing the ice-bag onto my forehead. "Well, do you want to hang out some day?" asked Justin and grabbed the ice-bag to let my arm rest.

"Yeah, sure" I replied and looked into his ocean-blue eyes as they started coming closer to mine.

"Hey!" yelled Mitch and interrupted Justin's attempt on kissing me, "The meeting is about to start" continued Mitch and pulled me away from Justin to walk downstairs and under the stairs by the bookshelf.

"What's going on?" I asked Mitch as he tried to catch his breath. "Katie and Justin are still contacting each other!" said Mitch and pushed us against the wall as he saw Justin coming down the stairs and started looking around.

"How do you know?" I asked confused about why Justin would lie to me once again, "I overheard her talking to her 'girl-squad' that they both were going out on Friday" replied Mitch and gave me a worried look. I gave Mitch a look, a look of me having a plan which would reveal his true intensions.

"OK! Can I get some attention over here!" yelled Steven from the kitchen and waved his arms around in the air as Justin and the other guys flocked around him. "So, first of all I want to welcome back my little brother" said Steven and pointed to me, giving me more attention than I ever wanted...

"But over to some more important news, but also some sad news..." said Steven and fake-cried to show some sympathy. "As some of you may notice, there are some of us that are missing" continued Steven and started scouting in the small crowd surrounding him.

I too started scouting around the crowd, but I only knew about Jake?

"So, the people that sadly have decided that the fraternity wasn't for them was; Simon, Casper and Jake" said Justin and cut straight to the case but kept a close eye on me as he listed Jake's name.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, just before I ran back upstairs where I would stay for the rest of the night. Justin didn't bother me throughout the night, he knew I wanted to be left alone and he respected that.

"Well, at least we know where Jake went" said Mitch and tried to light up the situation, but I was furious that he wouldn't come back to say goodbye to us, to me!

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