Chapter 1 : When In Pandora

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Rhys' POV

"Oh come on Vaughn!" I said. "Don't be such a wuss!" Vaughn stared at me as we walked through the halls of Helios, passing by many Hyperions. 

"I don't think that it is such a good idea to go to the Purple Skag." Vaughn mentioned. 

"And why not?!"

"Because it's in Pandora!" Vaughn put emphasis on the 'Pandora' part. 

"But it was kinda fun last time we went to Pandora. We met some new people at the Purple Skag. I wanna visit there again." I scanned Vaughn's portable computer with my ECHO-eye. 

"If you MUST know what I am doing on here. I think I have found a Vault key." Vaughn said as he deposited his computer into his locker as we passed by it.

"Really? We gonna go get it?" I asked. Vaughn sighed,

"Maybe. But problem is, it's in Pandora." 

"Yea! Lets go to Pandora!" I said cheerfully. I shoved Vaughn towards a car.

"Woah woah woah! Isn't this Yvette's car?" Vaughn asked. I shrugged and jumped into the drivers side. Vaughn mumbled something and got into the passenger side reluctantly. "I can't get 20 million dollars...." Vaughn said.

"20 million? They want that much for the vault key!?" I complained. "Can't you know. Just 'steal' it from Hyperion?" 

"I can't! We've taken too much." Vaughn said. "Look I might be able to get it tomorrow. Hyperion are doing some maintenance calls so they won't be taking too much notice with their money." I nodded and used my ECHO-eye to start the car. Vaughn shook his head and said, "Yvette is soooo gonna kill us." I shrugged it off and drove down towards Pandora. We crashed onto the surface of the exotic planet and drove down the sands of Pandora. I ran over a couple of Skags and I got an earful from Vaughn about being 'murderers'. I slowed down the car and looked out the window, we were in the middle of a desert. "Why did you stop?" Vaughn questioned. 

"Errrr. I think we're lost." I confessed.

"Oh great. That's just great." Laughter could be heard from some sand dunes. I opened the car door slowly and stepped out. "What are you doing?" Vaughn asked as he got out of the car. 

"Looks like these fellas are lost here." Said a man who came from behind one of the sand dunes. I put my hand behind my back and pulled out my stun baton. I armed it a pointed it at the man. A lot more people with masks came from all directions, "Bandits!" Vaughn mentioned. 

"Come on boys! Give us all your loot." said one of the bandits. "Time to clock in." "YEEHAW!" we heard a few bandits shout out. I pulled up my robotic arm and quickly called Yvette.

"Yvette!" I shouted.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why did you take my car!?" Yvette shouted.

"Now is not the time Yvette! I need a loader bot, PRONTO!" I said.

"What makes you think that I will send one?" She said. 

"Me and Vaughn are surrounded by ban-" I was cut off when a huge loader bot crashed down on some of the bandits.

"Hi." The robotic voice came from loader bot. 

"Er. Thanks and sorry about the car. I'll get it back to ya!" I said as I hung up. 

"Shoot em!" One bandit said. Me and Vaughn dived behind the car as the sound of the bullets hit the metal.

"Tell it to do something!" Vaughn complained. I pulled up the loader bot menu and armed it with rocket launchers and a shield. 

Tales From The Borderlands : Echo In PandoraWhere stories live. Discover now