Up and Running

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"But do you have to go?" Zaria pouted as she watched Max pack the rest of his things for his trip.

"I already told you, you have an open invite if you want to join me." He laughed while zipping up the sleek grey suitcase. She was sitting in his bed, her most recent manuscript laid in her lap, and her hair still wrapped from the night before. Due to her kitchen being unusable, she decided to take up his offer- but only until her place was finished.

"I wish. Snow would crucify me if I asked for time off right now. We're so behind." She groaned as she flipped through the manuscript. She'd already made her notes but it never hurt to go back over things just in case.

"How about we both quit our jobs and spend the rest of our lives traveling wherever we want?" Max suggested as he placed his suitcases by the door. As he turned back to her, she could see he was actually serious.

Unconsciously she frowned at the suggestion. While she did like Max and could see them together for years, she wasn't sure if Max was someone she would marry. Due to the nature of their previous interactions she'd never allowed herself to even consider Max boyfriend potential, but he'd been constantly proving her wrong.

Zaria turned her head down towards her work to hide her expression, "call me when pigs fly and I'll start packing."

"That could be arranged." The manuscript was pulled from her hands and he wrapped a hand around her chin to make her face him. Max smirked down at her before pecking her lips softly.

"Yeah, I don't doubt you'd develop some kind of piggy jet pack, but I meant naturally. When pigs develop wings and fly I'll do it." Crossing her arms, Zaria smiled as he rolled his eyes.

"Well then I guess I'll have to invest in a genetics lab and start some experiments with pig dna." His smirk was back and cockier than before and Zaria let out a sigh of defeat. Max crawled across her legs to lay beside her, his arm wrapping around her waist before he laid his head against her thigh.

"Can I be honest, Zaria?" She felt her breathing hitch at the question- her mind conjuring up the most ridiculous and uncomfortable situation that could happen.

"Yeah, what's up?" Luckily she kept her voice level and tangled her fingers in his hair to calm her nerves.

"When I was young, I always knew I'd be some big shot guy who had it all- money, fame, women", he laughed at how arrogant the statement was, "but the more important message is that I'd be successful. I'd make something of myself one day."

Zaria felt herself relaxing as he absentmindedly began tracing patterns along her thighs.

"I always thought I'd achieved that goal. I mean I did have all I said I'd have and then some, but then I met you. At first, I thought you'd be like every other woman I'd met- money hungry with nothing more than their looks going for them- but not you." Max turned his head up to smile brightly at her. The light and contentment that his eyes held caused elephants to once again begin stomping through her stomach.

"Zaria Hopkins, the pretty woman behind that park district desk. Although I was technically your sugar daddy it didn't feel that way. I wasn't Max Belcourt the multimillionaire, I was just Max the idiot." She laughed loudly at the self deprecating jab, thankful for the break in meaningful words.

"We've only recently begun developing a true relationship, but I can honestly say I could see myself spending the rest of my life with you even if we don't marry each other, although come on who wouldn't want to marry this?" He used his hand to motioned towards himself with a smirk. Zaria rolled her eyes at the action despite her amused smile.

"Okay, okay. All jokes aside. You're an amazing woman and I guess what I'm trying to say is thank you. Thank you for being you and allowing me to truly be who I am." The shy smile on his face warmed her heart and it was almost painful to see how much honesty was behind his words. Leaning down she pressed her lips to his instead of trying to come up with something to say.

Max leaned up, his hand holding her neck, and his lips slowly guiding hers. Even the kiss was filled with the same raw emotion and she had to pull away. A flash of worry crossed his face before he gave a tight lipped smile.

"I think it's almost 10. Your jet should be arriving soon."

"No sir. Okay? Yes. Thank you." Mrs. Snow hung up the phone with a bright smile. Zaria was squirming in her seat as she waited for the woman to speak. "Everything has been handled. The team is back and they're kicking things into overdrive."

Both of the women began dancing in joy. The mailroom was finally back up and working almost twice as fast as they were before things got bad. It had been almost two weeks since Max's confession and Zaria had slowly begun processing it all. Unfortunately, they had spoke very little since then. She made it her mission to correct things once he got back.

"I can finally finish all my scripts and letters without having to worry about the whole process." Zaria let out a sigh of relief.

"Actually, since you've been picking up so much work to try to help from the very beginning, I wanna give you some time off. Take about a week and just recoup. I'll handle your work, you just relax yourself and come back fresh." Mrs. Snow ushered her from the room and back to her office to grab her things.

"Are you sure? I-" Mrs. Snow cut her off by waving her hands.

"Don't you worry about it. You need to relax, go to a spa, get your hair and nails done honey. We'll be waiting for you when you get back."

Hustling to her car, excitement filled Zaria to the brim as she pulled her phone out to call Max's assistant. After overcoming her own insecurities, Zaria finally got to know the woman and saw nothing was going on.

"Hello?" Amber called into the phone, her usual professional voice gone and replaced by a groggy one.

"Hey! Do you think you could get me a flight there tonight?" Zaria connected her phone to the Bluetooth in her car before speeding from the parking garage.

"Uhh, yeah. Sorry, you caught me fresh out of a nap. Um I can contact our jet and have them pick you up tonight. I'll schedule a car to bring you to the hotel, just give your name and they'll give you a key." She groaned before a loud ruffling sound echoed on that end.

"Okay! Thank you."

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