Phone call

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"Alright so we'll get you in as soon as you get back so you can be fresh for your first day as Ms. senior editor." Lisa squealed into the phone. Zaria has just about told everyone in her phone about her new position. Lisa being the woman she is, she insisted Zaria get a new do.

"Okay! Okay, woman! Let's hold off on the beauty trips for now." She laughed as she rolled over in bed. Unfortunately, she'd now have to sleep in the same bed as Max every night. He'd excused himself to a meeting with Bastien Dubois, a top broker here in France, and Zaria helped herself to his bed. For the next hour she talked to Lisa about the current gossip going around while stuffing her face full of French snacks she had delivered to her room.

"Honey! I'm home!" She heard Max yell, followed by the closing of the hotel door.

"Was that Mr. Belcourt?" Lisa asked. Zaria could picture her pressing the phone closer to her ear in an attempt to hear every thing going on. Before Max could fully enter the room Zaria hurriedly made her way towards him, motioning for him to be quiet.

"No! I've uhh I've actually met someone. Nothing serious." She lied, watching Max eye her in confusion. The silence she was met with told her that Lisa was thinking it over.

"So, you go to France for not even a full week and you're already hoeing?" Zaria's mouth fell open at her words.

Before she could defend herself Lisa spoke up, "I've taught you so well. Fuck him then call me with the details!" The dial tone greeted her ears.

There's something seriously wrong with that woman, Zaria thought to herself as she threw her phone on the bed.

"So? What was that?" Max said as he crossed the room and wrapped his arms around her. Zaria took a step out of his arms and began cleaning the wrappers from the bed.

"Nothing, just Lisa being her nosy self. How'd the meeting go?" Max eyed her curiously before he rolled his eyes.

"You don't care about the meeting you just want to change the subject. You haven't told her you're sleeping with me?" He sat down on the edge of the bed and began to take off his dress shoes. His tie hit the floor and was soon followed by his suit jacket.

"No, because we're not sleeping together." Zaria exclaimed as she went behind him and picked up his discarded clothing. Hanging up the jacket in the closet, she turned to find his dress shirt on the floor where she'd just picked his jacket from.

"Hey! I'm not your maid, pick it up!" She pointed to the clothing and raised her eyebrow daring him to object. He threw his hands up in mock surrender before picking the shirt up.

"Sorry boss. Won't happen again." He stated as he began making his way towards her. He stopped in front of her and placed the shirt around her shoulders, using it to pull her closer to him.

"And if it does, you can spank me." He joked before she pushed him away, a smile splitting her face.

"So what's on the agenda?" She asked before sitting on the edge of the bed. Zaria couldn't help but bite her lip as he began taking off his pants. Standing in just his boxers before her, he began rubbing his chin in thought.

"Well I want to take a nap, but after that we can do anything you'd like." He smiled down at her. There was a couple more shops that Zaria wanted to go look at. Plus a nice dinner wouldn't hurt anyone. He slowly approached her, leaned down and placed a gentle kiss to her lips.

"Don't think too hard, your head might explode."

"Asshole!" Zaria exclaimed as she pushed against his bare chest. He bellowed out a laugh before making his way into the bathroom to take a shower. She found herself smiling like an idiot as she remained in the spot she'd been in. The ringing of her phone broke her stare.

"Heyo!" She answered.

"Hey stranger." Zach's voice made her stomach flip. After Max made her bail on their date, she'd spent days apologizing to him, ultimately explaining that she wasn't ready to date anyone at the moment.

"Zach! Hey, how are you?"

Zaria threw her head back as she laughed at Zach's story about the time he fell into his own paint tray. He'd been teaching a class on painting when he'd missed a step and landed right into a tray of bright blue paint.

"You should have seen everyone's face. They just stared for a second before rushing to help me up." He laughed into the phone. The deep melody still made her stomach feel warm. The sounds of the bathroom door opening cut Zaria's response short. Max stepped out of the bathroom in a pair of sweatpants with a towel around his neck.

"Hello?" Zach's voice broke her out of her drooling and she quickly sat up in bed as she cleared her throat.

"Yeah sorry, just got distracted for a bit."
"I can call back later if it's an issue." The concern in his voice was heartwarming. Zach was probably the sweetest guy she'd ever encountered.

"No! No, you're fine." She laughed lightly. Max made his way into the other side of the bed quietly. He flipped onto his side and stared up at her. Feeling uncomfortable, she rose an eyebrow at him to question his sudden interest in her.

"Okay good. Ha ha, thought it was something I'd said." Zaria couldn't focus on the words of Zach as she watched Max slowly scoot closer to her. She pointed a finger at him in warning. Stop it! She mouthed to him.

He used her hand against her, grabbing her wrist and pulling her body under his. Max wasted no time and began attacking her neck with kisses.

"No. You're fine." She breathlessly said as he continued nipping at her sensitive skin. Her hand found its way to his chest and pushed him back a bit. Instead of heeding her warning, he pinned her hand above her head and continued his way towards her chest.

"I heard you quit over there at the park district." Zach said, a hint of sadness evident in his voice.

"Mmhhh," She couldn't give a real response as Max latched on to her now exposed nipple. His eyes dance with amusement as he looked up at her. Zaria almost let a moan slip when he used his teeth to lightly pull at her nipple.

"You sure you okay, Z? You seem distracted." Zaria struggled against the grip Max had on her arm. Instead of going further, Max placed a kiss to her lips and then rolled over to his side of the bed. The sudden loss of contact shocked Zaria. What was that? He'd gotten her all riled up only to roll to his side and take a nap?

"You know? I'll have to call you back later Zach." She didn't wait for a response and quickly hung up the phone. Without a second though, she grabbed his shoulder and rolled him on to his back. His face held a giant smile as he watched her climb onto his lap.

"I hope you didn't think we were done here?" She said as she pulled off her tank top. His hands caressed her back as he leaned up and trailed kissses up her neck again.

"I wouldn't dream of it."

A little double upload because I'm feeling good this weekend❤️

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