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Walking into the tall skyscraper, Zaria self consciously pulled at the sleeves of her shirt. The building smelled slightly like fresh lemon zest mixed with fresh paper. The smell was inviting and she placed a small switch into her step.

Before approaching the desk, Zaria nervously touched the white clips holding her mane of coils away from her face. This would be the day she found out if she truly had what it took to go into media.

"Hi, um I'm here to see Mrs. Snow. I have an appointment today."
"Hey! And what's your name hun?"

The soft tone of the receptionist soothed her even more. Telling the small blonde her name, Zaria was pointed to a elevator with a small yellow notecard holding the room number of where she needed to be. Stepping into the elevator, she clutched the small notebook into her chest and prayed that things went smoothly. Zaria didn't know who she'd be helping Mrs. Snow interview, but taking in the fact that Snow was the largest media company in the United States, she knew it wouldn't be some average joe. As the elevator arrived at the 30th floor, Zaria was thankful to see Mrs. Snow waiting for her.

"Hi! You must be Zaria Hopkins, it's so nice to finally meet you! I was completely blown away by your submission. That article on Freddy Nightbarry and the stock scandal had to of been one of the best pieces I've ever read."
"Hi, oh my God, thank you so much. I really appreciate that."

As the two embraced, Zaria fought back tears. It was the first time she'd ever gotten any real encouragement. Her parents weren't exactly happy she had chosen a "dead end" career path and rarely spoke to her. The only sibling she had was too young to comprehend anything past 8th grade drama.

"So", she clapped her hands together, "we'll be interviewing Max Belcourt. Do you know who that is?"
"" Zaria searched her brain for the name but came up empty.

Mrs. Snow ushered her forward as they began walking down the long, grey hallway. The doors were large and steel which lead her to believe they were interview rooms.

"That's fine, honey. He's a very wealthy man who is going to make us tons of money." She turned to Zaria and smiled. Zaria couldn't help but crack a smile. She had expected Mrs. Snow to be an old, white woman who couldn't take a joke but the woman standing before her was completely different.

"Come on. You can sit in the room and get comfortable while I go over last minute prep. All you'll really be doing is taking notes on things you find beneficial. If you think of a question, feel free to interject in the conversation. We'll start in 20."
The closeness of the interview reminded Zaria that this was serious.

Walking into the interview room, she saw it was a simple coffee table surrounded by couches. There was a desk off to the right with a number of small knick knacks. Along the walls were a number of book shelves filled with everything from raunchy romance novels to memoirs of war heroes.

"Hopkins?" Zaria turned to see a tall man in a sharp black suit entering the room. His skin was milk chocolate without a flaw in sight and Zaria couldn't help but envy the glow it held.

"Yes sir, that's me." She smiled at the man as he outstretched his hand to hers.

"No need for the formalities", he smiled showcasing a perfect set of pearly whites, "I'll be shadowing with you." Zaria raises an eyebrow in questioning. She was under the impression that only one spot was open for this opportunity.

"Not in the same way you are! I'm a new hire at the company and this is kind of like a teaching moment, you know?" She nodded to the man as a wave of relief fell over her.

"I'm sorry, I never got your name."
"It's Marshal Taylor."

Just as he finished the door opened and Mrs. Snow entered. "Alright you two, you both will be seated at the desk. There should be all the things you need unless you've brought your own." She gestured towards Zaria's notebook that had yet to leave her hands.

The pair made their way towards the desk, deciding Zaria would sit closer to the wall while Marshal sat on the end of the desk. Zaria opened her notebook and carefully placed her pen and pencil on the side. Flipping to a fresh page, she wrote the date and what the content of the page would be.

Just as she finished, the large door opened again and in walked Mrs. Snow's assistant. The man that followed took her breath away. He made the hunk of a man sitting next to her look like hand me downs. He had olive skin with soft-looking black hair that fell beautiful atop his head. He couldn't have been less than 6'0 and had a body that wasn't too bulky but you could see he worked out often.

Dressed in a sky blue button up tucked into black slacks, Zaria quickly looked away in fear of looking like a creep. "Girl, that man is fine as all hell." Zaria snapped her head to see Marshal staring at the man, biting his lip.

"You like men?" Zaria quickly placed her hand over her mouth at the tone of her question. Before she could apologize, Marshal let out a laugh.

"I like both, baby girl." He gave her a smirk before looking her up and down. Zaria found herself crossing her legs as he licked his lips at her. Mrs. Snow shook hands with the man Zaria could only guess was Max Belcourt. They both took a seat across from each other before simultaneously looking over to Marshal and herself. Zaria willed herself to give a polite smile to the man before looking back down at her notebook.

"Ooo someone's got a crush on you Ms. Zaria, and I don't blame him." Zaria turned to Marshal eyes wide.

"Boy, what? Who?" She cocked her head back as she stared at him as if he was crazy.

"The Max Belcourt, of course. Get you some of that money girl. What did Nicki say, don't let homie fuck unless his bands up. Well sis, his bands lookin' right." Marshal stares at her with a smile as the sounds of the interview beginning sounded in Zaria's ear.

With a giggle, she rolled her eyes before focusing on the interview. Turning around she found Belcourt's eyes already on her. She gave a nod before once again staring at her notes. Feeling the mans stare, she couldn't help but feel flustered. He was entirely took fine to be staring at her like this.

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