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Zaria leaned her head to the side in confusion. The term sounded vaguely familiar, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

"A sugar baby is the recipient of the things a sugar daddy provides- usually things like money, gifts, vacations, anything like that. As your sugar daddy I would give you anything your heart desires and in return, as my sugar baby, you take care of my needs." Max leaned back into the couch and stared at her like prey. Zaria now understood. He basically wanted her to give up sex for money.

"So prostitution basically?" She crossed her arms as she stared back at him.

"Not necessarily. There's more of a bond that forms and it's not so strictly sex then money, unless you'd be more comfortable with it that way." Zaria took a second to process what he wanted from her. He obviously had the means to take care of her but could she sleep with him without wanting more than that.

"Could I have some time to think about all this?" She nervously played with her hands as she looked up at him. He gave her a reassuring smile before nodding.

Leaving the building, Zaria seriously considered if she could do it. On one hand it made her feel like shit knowing he only wanted her for sex, but another part of her yelled for her to secure the bag. Arriving home, she was glad to find the apartment empty. Deciding to take a bath in order to calm her nerves, Zaria got all the thing she would need- a towel, washcloth, bubble bath, bath salts, and two vanilla scented candles.

She made the water as hot as she could stand it before slowly climbing in. The candles lit the room and the smell of the rose bubble bath eased her mind and muscles. Playing an R&B playlist, Zaria sang along as a H.E.R track came on.

The peace didn't last long as she heard the apartment door open and feet tumble in. She heard Daniel's voice talking to someone else and concluded that he was on the phone. In an attempt to tune him out, she turned the music up but that sadly didn't work. The door burst open and Daniel walked in.

"Sorry Z, but when a man's got to go, he's gotta go." Rolling her eyes, she waved him off as he began to pee, making show by letting out a sigh. As he finished washing his hands he turned to her.

"Long day? You only take baths when you're stressed. You know I'm here for you if you need it." The half smile on his face was more genuine than she was used to seeing and it warmed her chest.

She held her hand out, "I know, honey, thank you." He placed his hand in hers and softly rubbed the back of it. Without a second thought, she leaned up and placed her lips to his. He quickly pulled away and Zaria sunk back into the tub in embarrassment. The two hadn't had any type of real intimate contact in more than a year.

"I don't want you to sleep with me because you're confused right now." He pulled her shower cap down over her edges. "If we were to sleep together again I'd want you to do it because you truly wanted to." He smiled at her as she stared up at him on the verge of tears. Although he could be a pain in the ass sometimes, Daniel had been more than good to her.

Nodding, she leaned back up, "you're right. I don't know what's gotten into me."

"Whatever it is, you can talk to me about it." Zaria thought about the pros and cons of telling Daniel about Max's offer. It wouldn't hurt to get a males perspective. For the next 30 minutes they sat and talked about Max and Zaria's relationship and what he was asking of her.

"If you don't really like him, what's the harm in getting some dick and some money?" Daniel leaned his head against the side of the tub as he stared up at her.

"But.... what if I end up catching feelings?" Zaria didn't want to be the girl who caught feelings for a guy who only wanted her vagina.

"Then you weigh out the consequences of letting him know. Figure out where he stands and go from there because, let me tell you, that little box can have a man head over heels." She pushed him away as he laughed loudly. Stepping out of the tub, Zaria wrapped the large white towel around her body.

"Fuck. Maybe I should have let you fuck me, confused or not." Daniel stated as he stared up at her. She playfully kicked him in the leg as she made her way out of the bathroom. It was decided. She would take Max up on his offer and see where this went.


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