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For the last days of their trip, Zaria remained in the hotel room. After her encounter with Keith, she didn't have the motivation to leave her established safe space.

"Come on, get up." Zaria groaned as Max pulled her body out of the mountain of covers she'd made.

"No, I wanna lay down and sleep away my last day here." Max let go of her arms and watched as she bundled herself back into her covers. She watched as he frowned before it was quickly turned into a smirk.

"What?" She asked as she sat up, weary of his sudden mood change. Max simply stalked out of the room, his large feet thudding against the staircase. She shrugged before pulling out her phone to call Glen.

"Hello?" The sounds of his groggy voice reminded her that she was currently 6 hours ahead.

"Oh my god, I completely forgot about the time difference. I'm so sorry, go back to bed."

"It's fine. Besides I miss you." Zaria could hear him shuffle around in bed.

"I miss my little Glen too. I don't know how I'm surviving without you fulfilling my every demand." She mocked as she leaned back against the headboard. The smile on her face was bright and it felt good to have someone to joke with.

"Har har, you're so funny." She could practically hear him rolling his eyes. "So how's Paris treating you?"

She couldn't contain her sign as Keith's face popped into her mind. Glen remained silent as she debated on telling him what had happened. Before she could open her mouth to speak, she heard the door to the suit being roughly opened. Her body froze as the door slammed shut before silence greeted her ears.

"Hold on, I think someone just came into my room." She whispered into the phone as she silently made her way towards the door.

"What? Who?" He questioned frantically.

"Oh I don't know, why don't I just go out there and ask them what's their name and if they're here to murder me. I'm sure that'd make a great conversation." She whispered into the line harshly. Her hands trembled as she gripped the heavy flashlight that had once been placed on the nightstand.

"Geez no need to be rude."

Zaria quietly peaked out the room and over the stair railing to see if she could make out any figures. Unable to see anything, she crept down the stairs and pressed her back against the wall. Her eyes scanned the entrance to the kitchen and compared it to the distance needed to get to the exit. If there was anyone in the kitchen she'd have to run past them to get out the door.

She silently slide down the wall, peaking her head into the living room entrance. Her heart was beating so wildly she could feel it vibrate her body.

"Zaria what's going on?" Glen asked, the sudden noise making Zaria nearly jump out of her skin.

"Sorry I forgot you were on the phone. I don't know, I don't see anyone so far but I still have to check the kitchen." She whispered as lowly as she could directly into the receiver. Okay, you got this. If you don't see anyone book it to the door.

Taking a deep breath, she slid further along the wall slowly, watching and listening for any movement. As she reached the entrance to the kitchen, her stomach seemed to jump to her throat, and she couldn't will herself to peak inside.

"Glad to see you're finally up."

Zaria screamed as loud as she could, dropped her phone, and wildly began swinging the flashlight. She heard the man let out a groan as she hit him and she quickly pulled her arms back, ready to hit him again.

"Stop! Zaria, stop! It's me." Her mind finally registered the familiar voice and froze as she realized what she'd done. A bloody Max laid against the entrance his forearm blocking his face from another blow.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry Max. Oh god! Are you okay? Shit. Shit. Shit." Zaria put down the flashlight, rushed into the he kitchen to grab paper towels, before shoving them on his forehead.

"Jesus Christ. Remind me to never surprise you with breakfast again." Max winced as Zaria applied more pressure to the wound. She bit her lip as she eyed the nearly blood soaked tissues.

"I'm sorry. I thought someone broke in." She removed the tissues to take a look at the cut. Before she could fully inspect it, blood came rushing down his face once again.

"You're gonna have to go to the hospital. Come on." Zaria went to grab his arm but he waved her off.

"I'll be fine. I have some liquid stitches in my bag." He pulled himself from the ground, Zaria followed holding the tissues to his cut, and they made their way to the room.

"You're fine, I got it." He placed his hand on hers and used his other to pull her wrist back. Zaria was hesitant to let go. Her eyes frantically searched his for any sign of pain or discomfort, but oddly found none. He looked as he did any other day even with a bleeding forehead.

"I promise I'm okay, babe." Max caressed her cheek softly, soothing her worries.

"Okay." She whispered as she took a step back, letting go of the tissue as she went. He surprised her by pulling her closer and pecking her on the lips before heading into the bathroom. Zaria couldn't help but over analyze the action, pondering what it meant. Did he like her? Did she like him? What were they? What would they be once they returned to the states? Her mind was filled with questions she hadn't thought about until now. They'd slept together, on numerous occasions, even after they agreed the deal was over. Would they go back to their arrangement? Could Zaria handle that?

The ringing of her phone broke her from her thoughts and she quickly made her way back into the kitchen to collect the device.


"Zaria! What happened? Are you okay? Where are you? Who was it?" Glen threw questions at her a mile a minute.

"Glen! Relax, I'm fine. It was Max."

"Who's Max?" Zaria held her breath as she realized she'd been too informal.

"I mean, Mr. Belcourt." She muttered.

"And so...you guys stayed in the same room... which means..." he trailed off but Zaria already knew what he was hinting at.

"What? No! I'd never sleep with Mr. Belcourt. That's completely unprofessional." She delivered the lie with a bit of attitude in an attempt to make Glen feel bad for insinuating something like that.

"Well excuse me, but if I remember correctly you technically quit. It might be a...memorable goodbye." His laughed echo through the phone and Zaria couldn't help the smile that crept on to her face.

"Hell no. Just because I quit working for Mr. Belcourt doesn't mean I'm going to become his personal whore." She gave a little laugh before turning to head back to their room.

Her heart nearly stopped when she found Max standing behind her, his eyes filled with hurt and confusion.


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