6: The Video.

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Whoever invented the saying, revenge is a dish best served cold, is an absolute genius. There's no sweeter taste than that of revenge. Dad always says that one should forgive his enemies and that vengeance is the devil's work.

I couldn't disagree more.

I feel at peace after exacting my revenge on Gavin.

Today, I showed him his place. He thought that stealing my diary and blackmailing me into being his minion was going to break me. He thought I was weak and I would bawl my eyes out.

Well, he thought wrong.

I admit, it felt so good standing up to him. Watching him trapped like a little mouse with no way to attack. For a long time, Gavin has strived to make people's lives miserable. He's the biggest bully in River Bridge High.

What's worse is that he always gets away with it.

Most teachers are terrified of him. Only a few teachers can stand up to him, an example being Mr Modrich, the calculus teacher.

Gavin is a privileged piece of crap who thinks that because his parents are rich and influential, he can do whatever the hell he wants. Once, he bullied one of the students from my art and design class. Gavin destroyed his art project. Poor Niko had been working on the project for months. When Niko had tried confronting Gavin, the bloody fucker poured paint all over him.

No one was brave enough to defend the crying boy. Everyone was scared shitless, not daring to stand up to the bully. That's when my inner beast took over. Angrily, I slapped Gavin so hard across the face. Pretty sure an imprint of my palm remained on his cheek.

The slap was to put some sense in his thick head.

It's crystal that his parents didn't teach him manners when he was a kid. They let him get away with all the bad shit. It's no wonder he turned out to be a monster. There is no good left in him…no humanity whatsoever.

Then why does a small part of me…like him? Why the fuck do I have a crush on this beast? What was I thinking writing all those idiotic thoughts about him in my diary? Am I normal? I think something is seriously wrong with me. I hate the guy with every nerve of my being then why does a part of me feel attracted to him?

"Carl Mendez report to my office at once!" My mom's voice echoed in the intercoms, thus cutting off my chain of thoughts. She sounded really angry. It reminded me of the time she caught me using her makeup on my face. I recall her, yelling at me and forcing me to wash off the lipstick.

"Gavin Mileford, report to my office at once!" She announced once more. Why did she want both of us in her office? Wait, did Gavin tell her the truth about my sexuality? What if he retaliated after I'd blackmailed him? I really hope I'm wrong.

Taking calming breaths, I commenced heading towards her office. I didn't miss the scornful glares that people threw at me as I made my way to her office. Whispers floated around me, as I passed by.

Normally, I'm used to people acting indifferent towards me because I'm the principal's kid. But this was something else...

My feet hurried to my destination, in response to the rhythm of my plummeting heart. Questions raced through my head and unfortunately, no answers came to mind.

When I got to the office, I gently knocked on the wooden door.

"Come in." My mom's voice echoed on the other end.

Gavin was not in the office when I arrived. My mom was seated behind her desk, typing something on her phone.

"Have a seat." She declared, not looking up from the screen of her phone. She placed her phone on the desk after I had taken my seat.

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