46: It's Only You My Love.

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A/N: This chapter contains some very disturbing scenes. Read at your own risk


I had to do it.

He left me with no choice. I tried having a civilized conversation with him but he had to be discourteous. If only he were a little nice to me...his soon to be girlfriend, then I wouldn't have been forced to resort to such extreme measures. The drug I injected in his system is non-lethal of course. I love my prince too much to harm him in any way. He is my life. If something or someone were to lay a finger on him, I would burn them to the ground and spit on their ashes.

Speaking of. Some bitch with silicone implants for tits, saw it wise to attack my prince over a boy. Big mistake Madeline. You fucked with what's mine and for that, you must pay. I'll hurt you so bad that you won't have the strength to show yourself to anyone. Ever again.

Nobody hurts what's mine and gets away with it.

"Hey." I was on a phone call with Dario, my associate.

"Hey mami. Thought you weren't ever going to call." His rich Puerto Rican accent floated through the micro-speakers.

"I need your help, Dario. I wouldn't have called otherwise." I spilled, plopping on the bed where my prince charming was lying. I had carried him to his room after he had passed out.

I started stroking his bushy locks, enjoying their velvety feel on my fingers. He looked so peaceful sleeping like that. Absolutely breathtaking.

"Anything for you mami." I love how submissive he is to me. The guy would literally take a bullet for me. Unfortunately, I don't have feelings for him. He's more of my henchman. I call him, only when I need him.

"I need you to beat up someone. Don't kill her, just break a few bones and teeth. Oh, and cut off her ridiculous pony tail. I would love to have it as souvenir." I gave the order, a content smile creeping to my lips.

"And who is this person you want me to beat up for you?" He inquired.

"Madeline Clarkson. I'll send you her photo and home address. Call me when the task is done." I declared.

"I will not disappoint you, Lisa." He gave an assurance.

"I know you won't. It's why I called you." I answered.

"Can we see each other sometime? I really miss you." He pleaded. I could almost picture his big brown eyes brimming with tears.

"Fine. I'll text you when." I replied with a sigh.

"I look forwards to it, mami. I can't wait to hold and make love to you again..."

"Have a lovely day, Rio." With that, I hang up. God, it is exhausting hearing him say all those things to me. I don't want him. Sure, we have fucked once or twice but that's it. And now he thinks that we can be a couple in love. How wrong of him! The only one I truly love is my prince charming. He is all I desire. He is my future and I wouldn't have it any other way.

"It's only you, my love." I decreed, stroking his cheek using the pad of my thumb. I sent the details to Rio then headed to the bathroom to take a leak. When I was done, I rinsed my hands in the sink. I stared at my reflection on the bathroom mirror, inspecting my face. My lipstick was a little smudged. I hated imperfections, especially when it came to my make up. Grabbing a roll of tissue, I wiped off the lipstick.

"Much better." I mumbled, glancing at my reflection, minus the lipstick.

Since my prince was still passed out, I decided to take a tour of his little kingdom. Starting with his bathroom which was spotless. Everything was in place and it reeked of lavender. I reached out for his fluffy, cotton towel which was neatly folded on a shelf and brought it to my nose. Sniffing him in while picturing him in it. Tingles shot to my clit when an image of him dropping the towel and exposing himself to me, took my mind hostage.

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