18: Shattered Dreams.

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"He threw a rock at my car!" Barked the ass hat.

"Are Tony's accusations true, Gavin?" Asked principal what's her name again? Lucifer...Lucinda honestly I don't remember at this point. Too many Lu's in one name.

"I don't know what Bra is talking about. I think that something is seriously wrong with his head." I addressed principal...Lucrecia. I think that's her name.

"Principal Lucia, he did it."

So, her name is Lucia. I was close.

"Do you have any witnesses to back you up?" She shot the question at the piece of shit.

"Yes. Carolina was present. We were umm..." His face flushed red at the phrase. Fucking wuss, can't even say the word kiss without blushing like a 10 year old.

"Yes, go on." The principal urged.

"Yes Bra, tell us what sinful things you and Carolina were up to in the parking lot." I was loving this. Pushing him to the edge. A devilish smirk made its way to my lips.

"We were...umm..."The fucker's face was redder than a tomato. He was a fucking joke.

"I think what Bra here is trying to say is, he was tongue deep in Carolina's throat at the parking lot. It was the grossest thing I have ever had to witness." I chipped in. Tony shot me a murderous glare.

"Is what Gavin said the truth?" The principal's face contorted in disgust.

"Yes. It is. But that's not the point. He fucking threw a rock at my car!"

"Language, young man!" The principal hissed.

"Yes, watch your language young man." I added, earning an annoyed glance from the guy.

"Sorry principal Lucia." He apologized.

"Gavin, you were present at the parking lot at the time of the incident. Correct?"

"Yes. I was."

"So you must have seen the culprit."

"Yes. He was tall, hot and totally cold at heart. Think he was arguing with Bra about something. Probably a girl. Last thing I saw was him picking a rock and smashing it on the windshield."

"That's a fucking lie. There is no guy. He did it! He is making everything up!" The agitated boy screamed.


"You and I both know that it was Gavin who did it. He always does whatever the hell he wants and gets away with it. There is no justice in this school. I don't even know why I came to you for help!" He ranted then stormed out of the office, banging the door loud enough to wake the deceased. Silence resided in the room for a while.

"Well, this was fun. I'll be on my way now." I got up from the wooden chair.

"Not so fast Gavin." The principal halted me.

"What is it?" A bored look settled on my face.

"It's about your mother." At the mention of my mom, a chill ran down my spine. Felt like I was in a morgue.

"What about her." I resumed my seat.

"She called to find out about your academic progress and I'm afraid to say that she was not impressed at all. Especially with your calculus score." She fished out my file from the pile on her desk and started perusing through it.

"When is she ever impressed?" I murmured, trying to ease the tension that was rapidly building up in me.

"Gavin, you have been failing in most of your classes and this will ruin your chances of joining a good college. Your GPA is below average. It's why your mother proposed that you quit basketball and focus entirely on your academics."

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