5. The Third Party

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After a hearty meal, they walked out from the place hand in hand, their differences and Sandy's anger long forgotten. They retraced their steps at leisure and for the second time that day, Aman found himself walking down the market street. It was still early in the evening and since none of them was keen on seeing their beloved Appa, they decided to take a detour to the Raja's seat. The place, in all likelihood would be swarming with tourists, but their usual spot besides the railings was never taken. Mostly because it was on the other side of the secure railing and they had their own little path leading down to it, away from prying eyes.

"Everything but this can go change itself in this world." Commented Sandy, as they made way towards their usual spot.

"Yeah... you, me and the sunset. And it better remains the same. There are very few constants in life that I want to hold on to and this is just one of those." Aman said wishfully. "The pure, unadulterated joys in this world!"

"It would be picture perfect if we just had something to munch on... how about some peanuts?" said Sandy, giving him a goofy smile.

"What... you want something to eat? But we just had lunch!"

"That sounds light years ago. Especially after walking on my two feet for almost two hours!"

"Which, incidentally was your idea in the first place." Aman pointed out.

"Well yes, I was a little upset if you care to remember."

"That was before we had lunch."

"What's the point?" She asked with an eyebrow raised.

"The point is, we could have hitched a ride. There were plenty of buses coming this way."

"And do what?" Sandy asked playfully. "Do you want to imply that you know a better way of spending your time than to walk around the town in my company?" She tilted her head and looked at him questioningly.

Aman rolled his eyes and said, "Let's go and get those munch-on, shall we? I don't want to miss out on the first sunset after getting back home."

"Then you would better hurry!" She called out behind her as she led the way.


With their hands loaded with extra-large cones of salted peanuts, they were making their way back to the gardens when tragedy struck!

As he turned a corner, Aman went headlong into a collision course, with the brute force that was his Uncle. Prasanna was coming out of the ATM and looked up just in time to register their presence but it was too late to avoid the collision. The crisp currency notes slipped out of his hands and flew all over the place when at the same time, the peanuts that Aman was carrying flew out of the confinement of their paper cones. Both the men fell down and a hailstorm, or should we say, a peanut storm hit them in their faces. As the men were busy getting rid of the traces of food from their faces and clothes, Sandy tried to contain the flight of hard cash.

A few passer byes helped them both on their feet. "Sorry!" Aman said apologetically. If you were to think that the freak accident was the worst of what could have happened to them today, you would be grossly mistaken. But that's all right. That's because you don't know them... yet. You will get there. By and by, as you spend more time in their company, just like the people who had helped them stand their ground had retreated, you will learn to keep distance from a fuming Prasanna Katti. As soon as Aman landed his eyes on his uncle, he knew that the better part of his day was over. Sandy tried to make herself as inconspicuous as possible but the very fact that her Appa's hard earned cash was resting in her hands, made her stand out.

"Soundarya." Prasanna gave her a questioning look.

"Appa!" She tried to give him a bright smile. "What a pleasant surprise to have run into you here!"

"Surprised, are you? Wish I could share your sentiments." He said, giving Aman a once over, and continued. "Looks like you are feeling better now."

"Oh yes!" She said brightly. "I came out for some fresh air and look whom I ran into! Aman is finally back after so long. I have missed him so much. I am sure so have you, Haven't you?"

"Speak for yourself. I am a busy man. I don't have time to indulge in missing anyone." Prasanna replied curtly. "There are better ways to spend your time than to waste it on missing someone, Soundarya. I expected better out of you."

"Appa... Sorry, I just... I thought you would be happy to see Aman after so long, I was..."

"I will be happy to see you both putting your time to good use. The Kitchen would be able to do much better with a few able hands. There are customers waiting. I must go and I expect to see you resume your duties now that you are feeling better." With that, he walked away. As he turned a corner, sandy let out a sigh and Aman just looked heavenwards.

"well, that went well!" She said, looking at him and as their eyes met, they broke out in a grin matching each other's.

"Can't even afford the luxuries of witnessing a sunset now, can we?" Aman commented as Sandy dragged him towards the diner.


Ah! So you finally had your first encounter with the much revered Uncle. what was your first impression? Do share your experience with me as well. ;)

Until next time, 


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