15. At Wit's End

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Aman was fuming by the time he walked out of Katti Appa's Kitchen. He promised himself never to look back or think about the diner and the person behind it. For that person was not just a driving force behind the running of that damned place but also behind Aman's sorrowful existence. Never ever had Aman seen or heard about such a disinterested parent or guardian who took offence at something constructive done by the ward, aimed at easing his/ her problems at hand. Aman swore to himself that even if it were the last option in the whole wide world, he would never be on the same side as his uncle's, whether voluntary or involuntary. It's a different matter altogether, because he would prefer dying and going to heaven or hell depending on his karma; rather than asking for his uncle's cooperation. He was even more sure about his uncle. He was quite predictable on that front. Didn't he just demonstrate that? Prasanna Katti would never enlist Aman Katti's assistance on any matter under the sun. As he took longer and hurried strides away from the diner, he became more and more eager to put maximum distance between himself and his thankless uncle.

The moment Aman walked out of the diner, Sandy rocketed behind him. Oh yes! She had to take off at jet speed. After all, Aman was a sportsman and pretty fast for the feisty little soul in his pursuit. If she wanted to have an audience with him, she would better hurry!

As he rounded a corner, she finally caught up with him. "What do you think you are doing?" She asked him, out of breath.

"Carrying out my sentence! Can't you see?" He retorted back. "Didn't you hear what your favorite Appa said just a moment ago? He wants me gone. I will oblige!"

"No. Aman... Wait." Sandy persisted as Aman did not show any sign of slowing down, much less stopping. "At least wait up for me!"

"Go back Sandy. You have a kitchen to run. Don't waste your precious time on me. He will not appreciate that." Aman called back.

"That's the least of my concerns at the moment." She replied, huffing and puffing at his heels.

"I don't want you caught between his cross-hairs. Go back to work." He said, without breaking his stride.

"I can't leave your side just like that." She replied "Not when I know that you are hurting this much and that this time, he clearly overstepped his rights even as your guardian."

That comment took Aman off guard and he stopped abruptly. "Are you serious? You just admitted that your Appa was on the wrong side of justice today." He said, turning sideways so that he was now facing her.

"Please don't take it to heart. You know how unpredictable he becomes sometime. I am sure he will come to his senses in a few hours and will see your side of the story as well." She persisted.

Aman knew better than that. And he did convey that in those many words. "How does it matter whether he can do that or not. I for one, would be gone by then." He said as a matter of fact.

"Please... don't you take off like that." She pleaded. "Hey! Wait up. Talk to me!"

"Wish I could do that." Aman replied sadly. as they rounded a corner and continued straight away. On their way, they passed Sandy's home and yet, he didn't slow down. Aman continued straight ahead and Sandy followed suit.

He straightaway aimed for his room, where his luggage was kept. He had his luggage packed and was ready to bid farewell under 5 minutes!

"Aman, you don't have to do this." She insisted.

"It was bound to happen anyways. My holiday just got cut short by about a week, that's it." He shrugged, avoiding eye contact with her.

"I can't talk you out of it, can I?" She asked, as she gazed at him searchingly.

"Please don't ask me to stay back, Sandy. You very well know, I will. And I don't want to. Please don't make me do that against my will. It would be detrimental... unhealthy for us all." Aman's voice came out strained, heavily laden with the emotions she could very well see in his eyes.

She nodded in understanding. "You are right. This is for the best of both of you. You need a little distance to let this die down. Fine. I won't force you to do something against your wishes."

"Thanks, buddy." Aman said, relieved to know that she agreed with him.

"Just promise me one thing, and I will let you go." She said, "You will take care of yourself. No rash decisions and no daredevil stunt. Agreed?"

"Agreed." And he smiled genuinely.

At the front entrance, Aman locked the door and handed his pair of keys to Sandy for safe keeping. She took it from him and gave him a sad smile. He had come home after a long time. She had waited for a good long one and a half year. They had been together for just about three days and he was already going away. This time, she was not even sure when he would return or whether he would return at all. Time was slipping away from her. The precious time that she could spend with him. On the way out, all through the walkway in the garden, she tried to match him stride for stride. She was so engrossed in the left right left, imitating his footwork; that she almost tripped when he stopped abruptly. It was then that she realized that they had reached the main gate.

"I think you should go back to the Kitchen. It's almost dinner time." He said gently.

"Don't worry. I am not coming to see you off. I might have agreed to let you go but I am not ready to see you actually go away." She said in a small voice. "And Dinner is still two hours away. It's only 5:00pm."


"I think I will have to go and watch sunset on my own, all alone today."

"Guess what?" He said, on second thoughts "Let's watch the sunset together. It's been a really long time since we were able to do that. Ever since I have returned this holiday, something always keeps us away from witnessing that magic."

Sandy perked up at his suggestion. But her face fell instantly as she realized that it would only make good byes even more difficult for her. Yet, she agreed again. There were indeed a lot of things she was agreeing to these days, she thought. As they neared their favourite hangout place, she couldn't help but feel giddy. She was on a mental high that Aman stayed back even if it was for a brief period of time, just to be with her.

As the day neared its fag end and they witnessed the magical experience unfold in front of them, their eyes were trained at the sunset but their mind's eye was some place distant, far removed from the spectacle in front of them. The skies were painted orange and red. But all they could see were anger, frustration, dejection and rejection.

Eventually, Sandy did land up at the bus station to see him off. Right before boarding the bus, Aman pulled her into a loving and affectionate hug.

"Wish I could spend more time with you... especially today of all days."

"You did that already. Don't worry about me. I am fine."

"Take care, Soundarya. And stay away from people like Mayuresh. They are trouble."

"Understood." She replied with another of her enigmatic smile. Holding her face in his palms, he pulled her close and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

She looked at him longingly with those mesmerizing brown eyes of hers and fearing he might lose himself in them right there, he turned and boarded the bus.  


Hi! Any comments on what just happened with these two? Err... votes... anyone? ;)

See you around!

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