14. A War Of Words

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It was nearing lunch time when they reached the diner. Katti Appa's Kitchen was abuzz with activity. It was practically overflowing with customers. A picture-perfect scene, as Sandy put it. Prasanna was too busy to even take note of their long absence. Thus, it was easy for them to blend in.

"Good to see your hard work paying off." Sandy congratulated Aman.

"Our hard work." He emphasized.

"Yes. Our hard work." She smiled in agreement.

By 4 pm, the crowed had trickled down to an occasional coffee lover coming in. It was then, when pandemonium struck.

Two foreign nationals walked in. they settled themselves on one of the tables and waited for someone to attend them. Manju, who had been busy winding up the counter post lunch time, raised an eyebrow. Sandy nudged him from behind and gestured for him to go and ask them for their order. He refused, citing language barrier. Sandy was about to approach them when Prasanna walked out of the kitchen, wiping his hands for the final time that afternoon.

Noticing the strangers, he walked up to them and asked the purpose of their visit. To his surprise, they wanted to order lunch. Courteously, he told them that it was now well past lunch time and the kitchen was now closed. However, he stressed that they could order tea or coffee and a few snacks that are available throughout the day. The tourists were adamant that they wanted to have his specialty and that they had travelled quite far to reach his place. Moreover, other places were closed for lunch by now. Prasanna was obliged to honor their wishes.

Swearing under his breath, he stepped on to his work station and started preparing the order. Needless to say, Prasanna did prepare a fabulous meal and they were more than satisfied with the hospitality. As they were leaving the place, the lady spoke to Prasanna, "Sorry, you had to accommodate our order at this late hour. It won't have been a problem if you had mentioned the lunch and dinner timings clearly online. We could have come earlier then."

"Online?" Prasanna was confused. He didn't have anything 'online', so to say.

"Yeah. Upload the timings." The lady's companion said. By the looks of it, he seemed to be her husband.

"Sure ma'am. We will do that. Hope you liked the food and the ambience." Aman stepped in and took over the conversation.

"Oh! It was awesome!" the lady squeaked. "I was afraid we would have to go without a proper lunch today." She said, wrapping her arms around herself. It was then, that Aman realized why his uncle had complied with their wishes. The lady was expecting a child. He kind of liked this gesture from his uncle.

"But I must say, you more that lived up to our expectations. Thanks! We will spread the word." The husband said, putting a comforting arm around his wife's shoulder.

"Thank you, sir!" Aman replied with a smile.

When the couple had finally left, Prasanna turned towards Aman and asked irritably, "What was all that about?"

"Oh! I forgot to mention. Yesterday night, I put us on the internet." Aman replied casually.

"You did WHAT?" Prasanna asked, raising his voice a little.

"I put us on the net." Aman shrugged.

"I heard you." Said Prasanna curtly. "I want to know exactly what you have done."

"People can now find this place on the area map. I have listed our place as a diner along with our menu and contact details. Positive reviews from our patrons have already started pouring in. This will create a lot of buzz. Did you see the turn out this afternoon? This, is a positive impact. Can't you feel it? The more people know, the more the clientele. That means more profit. More fame!" Aman elaborated on his vision excitedly.

"who said I need fame or any kind of recognition?" Prasanna said in a dangerously low voice.

"Sorry?" Aman wanted to make sure he had heard correctly.

"I said I don't need any fame or recognition." Prasanna tried to reign in his temper.

"But why?" Said Aman, confused at the reaction he was getting. True, he had not exactly envisaged his uncle in a euphoric state, but neither had he imagined such a harsh reaction towards his efforts. "I mean, isn't it what every businessman wants from his business? Profit? Now don't tell me you don't care about more money coming in. I've seen you living like a recluse and saving money for God knows what calamity to strike!"

"Mind you tongue, young man!" Prasanna said, barely able to control his anger.

"What are you so upset for? All I did was trying to help you. You should in fact be thankful for the fact that I was taking interest in this sorry state of affairs. This was all for your benefit." An offended and hurt Aman persisted.

"Have I ever asked you to help me? Do you remember me asking you to do anything like that?" Asked an agitated Prasanna.

"I should have known better than that. I guess I just got carried away, thinking I could help you improve your turnover. That I would be able to get you a better and more affluent clientele. But I forgot. Nothing that I have done so far has ever impressed you. Nothing will, I guess." Said Aman, exasperated.

"Right. I don't need your help. Now be kind and don't meddle in my ways. This is not your business to decide how to run it."

"And here I thought you wanted me to take initiative. I can hardly take part in this everyday circus if I am not even allowed to take a few decisions on my own." Argued Aman.

"Who stopped you from taking your own decisions? You can decide which wall to paint, what time to arrive and leave, when to do the dishes. Take whatever decisions you want to, as long as they don't meddle with my work.

"That's insane!" Aman shouted on top of his lungs. "You are being unreasonably stubborn."

"And you are being unreasonably troublesome and infuriating." Prasanna shouted back at Aman.

"You deserve it. And much more for being so stuck up in life. Why don't you just shut up and listen to me for a change?" Aman argued.

"ENOUGH!!" bellowed Prasanna. "Enough of you insulting me. Now before I say or do anything that I might regret, get lost from my place. Just go away."

"Did you just throw me out of your place?" Aman asked, dropping his voice by an octave.

"Finally! You understood an order. Now get out!" Prasanna snapped at him. "And before you leave... take down this place from that damned internet. NOW"

Aman unlocked his phone and took the kitchen down from the internet. In a blink of an eye, Katti Appa's Kitchen ceased to exist online. 


Hi There! About time we saw some action from the two gentlemen, isn't it? Do let me know your views on their actions and reactions. 

See you later. Till then... vote, comment and share. Adios!

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