7. Knights Of The Night

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Before his knuckles met the door to make any sound, the nightly calm was disturbed by Sandy's ear-piercing scream. Aman's body perceived the situation to be hostile even before his brain could process it. His body instinctively reacted and he barged in the door expecting it to be firmly locked from the inside. To his rude shock, the door was only ajar and flew wide open with the shoulder impact, sending Aman sailing into the living room, more like a shooting star than a protecting knight in a shining armor. In that moment, Aman realized what losing control truly felt like. His roller coaster ride came to an abrupt halt when he collided against the book rack. It was more like a showcase full of artifacts because in the name of books, it held a few volumes of Tinkle and a few magazines piled over the years. Rest was all rocks, cones and coins on display. Aman's brave attempt at being a valiant bodyguard was awarded with the assortment of items from that very shelf raining down on him.

He dusted himself free of the debris and bounced back on his feet. He had just straightened himself when another human form crashed into him. This time, both Aman and the loose cannon that had slammed into him, crash landed on the floor. Aman had barely registered the presence of this new entity when another earth-shattering scream went up in the air. Or shall we say a roar? Do girls roar? Lionesses do. Well, Sandy is nothing less than a lioness, especially when she is holding a rolling pin from her kitchen. Did I say holding? Make it wielding... Like a sword. Girl sure did look intimidating... with her make shift sword in a warrior like stance!

At the moment, this said lioness was looking; no... glaring down at her prey. Which reminded Aman that he was not the quarry. Then who pray was it that had crossed Sandy to such an extent as to have his life endangered? Aman looked sideways at the other unfortunate soul. And he realized, it was none other than Mayuresh.

It was at the same time, that Mayuresh recognized him. "Oh! It's you." He turned towards Sandy towering over them both and addressed her, "Is it because of him that you turned me down again, sweetheart? I am telling you, he is not the right one for you." When she didn't react at that and just kept glaring at him, he tentatively added "You are not serious about spending your entire life with this spiderman, are you?"

"Shut up!" She shouted at him.

"Hey! Who do you think you are insulting? I am not a spiderman!" Aman exclaimed.

Mayuresh gave him a once over and commented, "Yeah. I guess so. Spiderman is supposed to be a cute kid and much stronger. You are such a lame excuse in the name of Spiderman. You should be called an Insect-man instead."

"How dare you insult me like that?" cried Aman.

"I am not insulting you, you slime... in fact if anything, it's those insects who should be offended. Please tell me you don't torture them at your fancy school."

"University" Aman said, trying to keep his temper in check.

"Huh?" Mayuresh asked him distractedly. "What is it that you said?"

"I said I am studying at a University. Not some school." Aman was irritated. "I was done with school a long time ago, unlike you, you dropout!"

"And I was done with studies a long time back unlike you, you insect-man. Hey.... Don't you dare bite me!" Mayuresh squeaked as Aman shifted towards him. Turned out he was merely trying to get up.

"I have better tastes than that. And don't you dare insult me." Aman shouted at him. "And what are you doing here at this late hour?"

"I could ask you the same question. But I didn't. show some respect for privacy, man!" Mayuresh sounding offended would have been hilarious if it had not been a break-in situation at Sandy's house.

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