27. Too Hot To Handle

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27. Too Hot To Handle

Aman tiptoed down the staircase. It was well past midnight and the house was as still as the night outside. He didn't want to wake up the peacefully sleeping occupants. It was not their fault that he was wide awake and sleep seemed to be playing hide and seek with him.

He had skipped dinner just to avoid coming down. He would have preferred to be holed up the entire night if not for the damned hiccups. He ran out of water in the room and yet, the hiccups stubbornly refused to go away. As if, they had understood his plight and wanted to extend their solidarity. But he didn't like company. Definitely not this kind anyways. So, down he went, to refill his water bottle.

In the dark, he reached for the water dispenser and instead of the tap, a piece of paper met his hand. Puzzled, he put on his mobile torch and checked what it was. It turned out to be a hand written note and it read...

"Better not leave the microwave fully loaded for the whole night." Aman realised; his hiccups had subsided, as if by magic. He now had a set of instructions for company. He pocketed the note with a sigh and went over to the microwave. As he had guessed, it was loaded with his share of rice and vegetable stew, along with yet another note. This one read...

"Better to reheat the stew on the gas though. And kindly put on the lights before switching on the gas burner. Instructions issued under the 'no mess' policy. Thank you, in anticipation of cooperation. Good night!"

Aman calmly folded the note and continued to work in the light of his mobile torch. He transferred the contents of the bowl in another pot and switched on the gas. As the curry heated, Aman was lost in his own thoughts. The curry boiled and Aman was momentarily distracted. Absent minded, he reached out to pick up the vessel and ended up burning his finger-tips.

Precisely at that very moment, the lights were switched on and Prasanna walked into the cooking area. It took him a fraction of a second to realise Aman was hurt. He walked over to the sink and opened the tap at full force. "Here... Hold your hand under the running water. Where were you lost? Don't you know how to use a pair of tongs? Or you want your friend to write express instructions in black and blue for that too?" Prasanna was exasperated by his indifference.

"Appa... It's okay. I am fine... I really am." Aman replied retrieving his hand back. Prasanna held it firmly under the running water and gave him a stern fatherly look. That was enough to make Aman resign in defeat. He tried to change the topic. "Why are you awake at this time? Did I disturb you? I did try my best to make as little noise as possible. I would've stayed upstairs, if not for those damned hiccups. Sorry, I woke you up."

"You have kept me awake on a lot more occasions. At times, even later than this. Why should today be any different?" Prasanna replied casually. "And how is you being here related to my wish of having coffee at this hour?"

"You want to have coffee? Now?" Aman asked, surprised. His mobile said it was 1:30 a.m.

"Why? Is there a problem with that?" Prasanna asked, raising an eyebrow. That gesture brought a host of memories flooding back for Aman, when he had seen Prasanna doing the same... Sometimes questioning him, at times disapproving something Aman had suggested or done...

"...Aman?" Aman realised his Appa was asking him something and he tried to concentrate in the present.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"I said I can have my coffee here and give you company while you finish your dinner. If... it's okay with you." Prasanna asked, a little edgy.

"Of course! Why not? It will be great. Shall I make you a cup of coffee? I think, we can turn off the tap now. I am quite alright." Aman asked, earnestly.

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