12. Besties On Duty

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Aman woke up with a jolt. One look at the mobile watch and he realized he had again overslept. He sprang up from his bed and made a dash for the washroom. In another half an hour, at exactly 8 am, Aman was pouring a hot cup of coffee which he wished with all his heart was for himself. Just then, the customer extended an arm towards him and Aman had to oblige him. He accepted the coupon and gave the coffee away.

He had just about managed to take a hasty shower and make himself presentable before he rushed to the diner. As always, Katti Appa's Kitchen was buzzing with activity. The loyal patrons were crowding the breakfast counter and asking for their dine-in and takeaway orders as if there would be no tomorrow. Aman continued dishing out the coffee fills as if there would be no Aman tomorrow!

Today, there seemed to have been a change of sorts in the internal work arrangements. Prasanna himself was managing the cash counter whereas Sandy was busy in preparing the breakfast items. Manju was busy with the packing and disbursement while Sheikhu did his level best to clear the clutter at his end. They were understaffed and working at double their capacity for a work load of probably three times their normal day. Aman had volunteered his services looking at the mad rush. Might have something to do with the festive vibes, he thought. He had sneaked in, just in time as the first lot of customers were placing their orders. Even the customers were coming in late owing to the holiday mood.

By 11:30 am, the influx trickled down to something manageable. Since arriving at the diner, Aman had had just one glimpse of Sandy. He had wanted to know how she was coping up. Twice he had tried to check with her but to no avail.

Aman traded places with Manjunathan and entrusting his loyal friend the most revered tea and coffee counter, unseen by his uncle, or so he thought; he ventured into the heart of Katti Appa's Kitchen.

A pleasantly soothing sight greeted him. Sandy bent over the pot of simmering hot curry, totally engrossed in the work at hand!

Still bent over the pot, she stretched her hands backwards in his direction. "Pass me a spoon, will you?" And he complied. "Would you taste it for me? See if the salt is okay." And she turned back, the loaded spoon in her outstretched hand. "And what did you do to poor old Manju? Last I am aware, he had gone to get a few clean dishes."

"And a very good morning to you too, Sandy!" He said, smirking, as he took the spoon from her.

"How's the gravy coming?" She asked, ignoring his greeting and gesturing towards the spoon that was now in his hand. "And what pray are you doing here?' She enquired, as she raised a perfectly arched eyebrow.

"Giving you company? May I?" He asked, as he went on to taste the preparation. "Umm.. nice. A little hot for my liking though but it's good."

"Hot?" She asked confused. "But I haven't even added any spices yet."

"Hot as in... temperature wise not the other way." He clarified.

"Oh!" She nodded in understanding. "Then, It's ok. For a moment there, you had me worried. This is Appa's special preparation. Can't afford to mess up with it."

"Then why don't you just let him take care of it? Let's get out for some time." He suggested.

"can't afford to go out now... where's Manju, by the way? There's so much to do here..."

"I sent him to the land of hot beverages. He must be enjoying an unhindered and fascinating view of tea and coffee falls by now." Aman said gleefully, for he was elated to have escaped the tortures of the said department. Sandy looked on, bemused at the childlike excitement of his, at the 'tactful getaway' as he so proudly stated.

"Did you have breakfast?" She asked him.

"Nope. I got up late today." He stated.

"As usual..." She commented.

"Only since getting back." He clarified. "You know very well how particular I am about my regular morning run."

"Oh, yes. You and your marathons are a legend around here by now."

"Stop mocking and start leaving. We are going out for some time." He insisted.

"But I can't go out. Not unless the lunch is over." She explained patiently.

"Sandy, I need my breakfast before the official lunch time kick starts. And more than that, I need some fresh air. Let's take a break for some time at the least."

"Sorry, I can't help you with the outing part but the breakfast we can manage just about fine here itself." Sandy loaded a good amount of idlis on a plate and handed it over to him.

"idlis... again!" He made a face that sent her into ripples of laughter.

"Just so that you won't be able to say that I deprived you of your breakfast." She said, acting all sympathetic.

"This is sheer torture! Mind you, I will definitely get back at you for this... when the right time comes." He complained.

"Planning a revenge, are we?" She asked playfully.

"You bet! I won't forget this." He smirked.

"Finish them before Appa gets to know. Otherwise, you might just end up paying for breakfast in your own diner." She said jokingly, gesturing towards the plate in his hand.

"As if I care!" He said with an air of indifference.

"If you could afford paying for all your breakfasts, lunches and dinners, you wouldn't have come here, now would you?"

"At times, I wonder how is it that you know me so well!"

"The way you know me, of course! And because we are besties." She replied affectionately. Further, she said "Have your breakfast at leisure. You have plenty of time till the lunch hour strikes. Then it becomes a mad house. I suggest you trade places with Manju or Appa then." As he scooped a mouthful, she smiled and added "And don't worry about me. I will be fine."

Aman gave a sigh and dug deeper into his breakfast.

A plateful of idlis and tons of the idle banter later, Aman found himself taking orders and billing for lunch coupons at the counter. Wisely, he had agreed to trade places with Prasanna for cooking at jet speed was something he didn't have mastery over and he didn't want to run around as waiter. He could have gone back to the beverage land of his but then Manju would have been overwhelmed with the additions and multiplications across the menu chart at the counter. So, to maintain peace and decorum in their working relations and to have a semblance of order within the confines of their working place, Prasanna went back to cooking, Sandy overlooked the disbursement of dine-in and take-away orders, Manju remained stationed at his designated corner and Aman handled the billing. Only Sheikhu had the privilege of loitering around. Just that, he had to carry a duster at all times and pretend to be cleaning imaginary specks of dirt from the multiple table tops. Occasionally, he would lift an empty plate or two, just in case anyone was paying attention towards him, that is! And so, the day dragged on...

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