[2] Singer Tryouts

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Girls/Girls/Boys-Panic! At The Disco


"Hey, Tsukki," Kuroo said. "Can ya do me a favor and refill my water bottle?"

Tsukishima stood up from the drum kit and snatched the bottle. "Fine. But I told you not to call me that."

It was the only nickname he had, and it was given to him by Yamaguchi Tadashi, the boy who didn't speak.

Kuroo chuckled. "Sure, Kei."

"Not that either."

He slammed the door of the band room and walked swiftly down the hallway. He didn't know if he was sad or angry-the nickname always reminded him of Tadashi, which led to memories, which led to questions that had no answer. One day, they were best friends, and the next, the green haired boy was mute without reason.

"Okay, from the top everyone!" Someone calls out.

Multiple voices blend into one as the choir starts from behind a closed door. Curious, as he'd never heard of a choir existing in his school, Tsukishima looked through to door window-and immediately stepped back.

In the middle of the front row: Yamaguchi Tadashi.

He looked so relaxed yet determined. His eyes held calmness and the kind of peace that anesthesia gives you. And his lips...

His lips formed the words perfectly. Each note was almost boasted. Despite the synchronization, Tsukishima knew Yamaguchi was contributing the most. 

Tsukishima spun back to the direction of the water fountain. This time, his pace was quicker and his steps louder. 

He refilled the water bottle and made his way back to the band room. When he passed the choir again, he rammed into someone.

"Apologies!" A fairly short teacher gave a nervous smile. 

Tsukishima got disappointed that it wasn't Yamaguchi, but then he got annoyed at himself for being disappointed.

"Sorry miss. Excuse me."

"It's fine. Say, do you think you could escort a couple of my students to the band room? He's thinking of dropping out of choir and being a vocalist with more instruments."

Tsukishima nodded. His band didn't have a main singer (they all just took turns singing different songs while also playing their instrument) so he was secretly glad.

Behind the teacher appeared a girl with blonde hair and a petite figure. Next to her was the famous green haired boy, Yamaguchi Tadashi.

Tsukishima internally groaned. Now he wouldn't only have to deal with singer tryouts, one of them would have to be his ex best friend.

"Band room's this way," he said, and walked off. The two followed silently.

When they entered, Kuroo raised an eyebrow. Yaku stopped tuning his guitar. 

The blonde girl spoke up first, frozen in place. "Hi! I-I'm Hitoka Yachi! I'd like to try out for-for lead singer position!"

Yamaguchi looked petrified for a second, and then Tsukishima understood. Since he's mute, and none of us know sign language, how will he introduce himself or sing?

Then he remembered the humming from last month's summer camp. So he can speak, but just chooses not to?

Frantically, Yamaguchi pulled out a notebook from his backpack and scribbled something down.

Kuroo squinted as Yaku read it out loud. "My name is Yamaguchi Tadashi. I am mute but I would love it if I could be your singer or at least try out for the part."

Kuroo shrugged. "Why not? All of our voices suck, and I'm getting tired of trying to be in perfect pitch while playing bass."

Yachi smiled, nodded, and then turned to Yamaguchi. "Which song do you want to try out for?"

His eyes danced around the room. He clearly hadn't thought this through. 

He pulled out his phone from his pocket and detached the earbuds. Instantly, the words "but girls love girls and boys, and love is not a choice" were sung.

Yaku leaped from his chair and pointed at Yamaguchi. "Oh! Girls, Girls, Boys by Panic At The Disco!" He started to fangirl. "Oh my god, I love Brendon Urie so much. You're in."

"He hasn't sang and we don't even know what Yachi's going to do," Tsukishima said monotony. "Relax, Yaku."

Yaku sat back down and continued tuning his guitar.

"I'll do...Atlas, by Shannon Saunders."

Kuroo nodded and started typing on his phone. "Alright, whenever you guys are ready, I can pull up a karaoke version."

"Is that his singing tryouts are supposed to work?" Yaku asked.

"Or is that just your way of doing it?" Tsukishima added.

Kuroo shrugged again. "I dunno. Do you have a better idea?"

Both shook their heads.

"Then, let the singing commence!"

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