[21] How To Not Come Out

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Ok so I couldn't find any song fit for this chapter so here's

Mean Girls Haikyuu!! Version Trailer

Previously: they attended Yaku's house party, the mom is obviously homophobic and questions Kei about his friends and their gay meter, says we continue this convo at 9 tomorrow

Setting: Tsukishima household

note: their scene is an ACT, they're not gonna have sex cus sexualising minors is not my thing 🤚

Tsukishima snickered to himself.

you: come over at 9. Use the window. I want to show you off to my parents.

He'd had gotten a reply at 8:40.

I'll be there in 10, it said.

If everything went right, his parents would be back in Russia by that evening, and he wouldn't ever be bothered by them again.

Yamaguchi softly knocked on Kei's door. They sat on the bed. "You actually used the window?"

Yup, he wrote in the notebook.Your mom is scary.

"I suppose that's true..."

Tadashi leaned forward and gave Kei a quick kiss, who repeated the action but didn't let go. Tadashi looped his arms around Kei's neck and let him take control.

Kei pushed a hand up Tadashi's shirt as the boy deepened the kiss. He took off both their shirts and pinned the singer to his bed.

"Be loud," Kei whispered in the other's ear. He nodded.

They continued as Tadashi moaned, fake but loud. Soon enough, as he expected, Kei's mother barged in.

"Kei! What in the hell are you doing?"

"Well mother, if you must know, I was just about to fuck my boyfriend." He turned to Tadashi. "Say hello, love."

The singer, sitting up shirtless on the bed, waved.

Kei's mother scowled in response. "You should not be in my house," she said gravely. "Get out."

The singer shivered, but didn't move.

"He's not going because he doesn't want to. However, you're free to leave anytime."

Now, she turned to her own son. "How did I ever raise you like this?"

"Well, I saw you being a bother to dad, and so I thought, 'girls must be too much to handle, I think a boy would do better'."

"That doesn't explain anything! Make him leave right now and I forbid you from further contact. This is my house!"

"Actually, it's not. Akiteru and I are the ones paying the bills. Don't know if you remember, but you and dad kinda just left a couple years ago. So I got a part time job and the band gets paid after every concert, and Akiteru had to get another job, which out a lot of pressure on him because he's still in college."

"There's no way three part time jobs and some band payment can pay for this!"

"Dad left a couple hundred thousand for this reason," Kei added.

His mother turned her hands to fists. "You agreed to talking at nine but instead you're here, having...homosexual intercourse!"

"Interesting way to say 'sex'. But we're talking right now, aren't we?"

By now, his mother was infuriated. She yelled out the door, "Akiteru! Why aren't you doing anything about this?"

Akiteru's voice came from the kitchen. "Shit! I totally forgot."

"You forgot your brother's a homo?"

"Nah, just forgot you were kind of a bitch—oh, sorry, that was rude."

His mom stormed out of the room. "I'm leaving. Your father will not accept this when I get back home," she said, clearly still irritated.

Kei turned back to Tadashi and slipped their clothes back on. "Thanks," he said. "I think they'll be gone by evening now. So, where should we go for breakfast?"


That afternoon, the band went to Kuroo's house. Not for practice, which they should do considering their next performance was in two weeks, but instead just to have fun.

It was nice, seeing Yaku hit Kuroo in the head, and being in an accepting place. Kuroo hadn't really ever "come out" to his parents as pan. They kind of just knew. According to Kuroo, they said, "we see the way you look at Kenma. Invite him for dinner."

They were all sitting on the floor of Kuroo's room, a soft carpet beneath them.

Yamaguchi held his notebook out to Yaku. Have you come out to your parents yet?

He shook his head. "I haven't told them that I'm bi yet."

"What about Hirose? Has he been expelled yet?" Tsukishima asked.

"No, I didn't report it—"

"Lev! How's Lev?" Kuroo exclaimed.

Yaku flushed. "We're good. Why are you guys freaking out?"

With a soft smile: We just want to make sure you're okay.

With a vengeful smirk: "And that people pay for hurting you."

With clasped hands: "And that someone is taking care of you."

Yaku laughed. "Thanks guys, but really, I'm fine. Lev is stupid sometimes, but he's sweet. Usually."

"If you don't wanna be caught like me," Kuroo started, "you're gonna have to admit to your parents that you have a boyfriend."

Someone barged in. "I knew it! Holy shit, I called it. Morisuke, your father owes me twenty dollars, remind him after dinner."

The guitarist almost screamed. "Holy crap mom, when did you get here, and why did you get here? I was planning to walk home!"

The other three were doing their best to not laugh too loudly.

"I came here to pick you up so you didn't have to walk! And I haven't seen your friends in so long." She smiled sweetly at them, and not the kind of sickly sweet, poisoned honey smile that Kei's mom had, but a genuine smile. "Hi boys! I brought cookies. Anyway, tell me about this dear named Lev. He's your boyfriend, right?"

She sat down on the floor next to her son and folded her hands in her lap.

Kuroo stuffed his mouth with cookies while the guitarist explained everything on his side. His mom became furious at Hirose and called the school immediately after saying goodbye to the others.

"Yaku's mom is really nice," Kuroo commented, grabbing a napkin he randomly had on his desk.

The other two nodded and waved bye to Yaku, who was heading out the door. "I wonder how the school will react to Hirose."

"Anything less than being expelled and I'll expel him myself."

Kuroo narrowed his eyebrows. "How would you expel him if you're just another student?"

Tsukishima faced Kuroo with a deadly serious look. "A knife."

Kuroo nodded slowly. "I see." He turned to Yamaguchi. "What about your parents?"

Yamaguchi fidgeted with his notebook. They know I'm bi, but they don't know about Kei.

"Ah. Good luck, Tsukishima."

"Thanks," he grumbled. "I'll need it."


So...that was interesting

let's take time to appreciate Yaku's mom,, I wanna be like that someday

also, what do u guys think the father will be like?

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