[20] Beer and Gays

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Fight or Flight - Conan Gray


Previously: Tsukishima went to Yaku's, met Lev, and planned a house party.

Setting: Yaku's place, for a change.

People started flooding in after lunch. Kuroo was first, who had dragged Kenma along. Then Hinata and Kageyama. And then a few people from another high school called Aoba Johsai, their names being Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Mattsun, and Hanamakki ("just Makki is fine"). Yamaguchi came with a couple from Fukurodani, who introduced themselves as Bokuto and Akaashi. And then there was this one kid named Himekawa who had gotten lost and seen a bunch of people going in to the giant house. Yaku didn't care at that point, so he let him in.

Everyone, as soon as they'd entered, had gone to the kitchen immediately and picked out snacks with two cans of beer or a glass of wine. They explored the giant house in pairs, eventually ducking into a guest bedroom and doing god knows what in there.

Of course, when Oikawa had gotten bored of exploring, he and Bokuto agreed on a music playlist and blasted the radio on full volume while Hinata and Himekawa tried to figure out how the LED lights worked.

Soon enough, Tsukishima could barely hear his own thoughts. Like all the other guests, he had a bottle of wine in his hand and was going to the kitchen to get wasted.

"Hey. Have you talked to Yamaguchi yet?" Yaku asked, having to speak right into Tsukishima's ear.

"No. I don't even know where he is."

"I just saw him walk into the guest room second on the left. It's empty besides him."

"You gonna drink any? It's your party."

Yaku shook his head. "I don't really like the taste of alcohol. At least, not any of these beers and wines. But I can't get drunk anyway; I have to stay sober and awake until three to kick you guys out so my parents don't beat my ass at four in the morning."

"Ha. Right." The drummer glanced at the room where Yamaguchi had supposedly fled to. "Well, I guess I can't avoid it."

"Just use a condom, alright? They're in the top drawer of the desk."

Tsukishima rolled his eyes and pushed past a few drunks to enter the room.

"Hey," he said, sitting on the bed next to Yamaguchi. "I need to talk to you."

The singer nodded, not making eye contact. He, too, had a bottle of wine in hand.

Before starting, Tsukishima drank from his own bottles. "Two days ago, I did hear that conversation in the hallway. I guess I misinterpreted,because if you really were dating Yachi, you wouldn't have tried anything at the cafe, would you?"

Yamaguchi shook his head no.

"So, what was the conversation then?"

The singer started writing in his notebook, occasionally chewing his lip. Well, we were a couple, but it was fake. Yachi likes Kiyoko, so I proposed a fake dating idea.

"Oh, that makes sense." Tsukishima and Yamaguchi both took a long sip of wine.

I'm sorry, it's my fault you thought wrong, I didn't tell you.

"No, it was stupid of me to assume." A third drink. Tsukishima sighed and drained the rest.

Yamaguchi looked alarmed and rested a hand on the other's shoulder. No more drinks for you.

Tsukishima read the message and laughed half heartedly. "You know what? You keep saying that you're sorry, that it's your fault, that you were in the wrong. You've always been like that, to everyone. But it's kind of funny now, because I've never felt more guilty.

"I've never hated myself more. I've always been an asshole to you. I don't know how you put up with me back in middle school and I certainly don't know how you don't hate me after what I did back then. And after the park, I really thought, for a split second, that you'd done it back. But how could I ever think that?"

The bottle dangled between his fingertips, his elbows digging into his legs as he slouched. "Even after you explained it all, it still confused me. Because you didn't have to kiss me at the park even if Kuroo said, Kuroo's just another guy. He can't make you do anything. You chose to, and same thing for the cafe. And all of this was confusing because I thought you had a girlfriend, that your affection was only peer pressure."

Tsukishima rubbed his eyes. "And I still find myself thinking that because why in the hell would someone like you love someone like me?"

Yamaguchi had already written it out. Quit sobbing, it read. I love you for you. Just ask me to be your boyfriend already.

"Hah. Okay. Tadashi, if I do it right this time, will you be my boyfriend?"

Hell yeah. He grabbed Tsukishima's empty bottle and placed it on the floor next to his own. A smile crept up on his face, barely lit by the light coming through the window. I've been waiting for you to say that.


And then Tsukishima woke up.

A dream? Damnit.

"Rise and shine, sleepyheads," a voice called quietly as the light turned on.

"Akiteru...?" Tsukishima mumbled, sitting up.

"Nope. Close though. It's three fifteen, you're being kicked out." Yaku leaned against the door frame wearing only jeans.

Oh. So it wasn't a dream. Then..?

Tsukishima looked to his right. By his side was a peacefully sleeping Yamaguchi Tadashi, his notebook still open with the page of confessions showing.

"I assume you guys are official." Yaku said. "Get your pants on and get out." Then he left to wake up the others.

Tsukishima found clean clothes, tugged them on, and woke Yamaguchi. Once they were dressed, they split ways at the front door of Yaku's house.


As soon as he opened the door, he was met with the angry face of his mother.

"Where have you been?" She demanded.

"Out," he replied, kicking his shoes off.

"Out where?"

"At a friend's place."


"Yaku's. Now leave me alone."

Kei dragged himself to the stairwell, but his mother grabbed his shirt. "Why are you only back at three thirty-five in the morning?"

Kei turned around and glared, frustrated and tired. "Look, we fell asleep and woke up at three fifteen. I came home as soon as I could."

She released him. "Fine. But we're talking about this more tomorrow."


"One more thing. This 'Yaku' boy...that's your guitarist Morisuke, right? I've met him."

"Yes, you met him when I was in seventh."

"Is he...you know..." She rotated her hand. "...mentally issued?"

Kei stiffened. "Mentally issued? He's completely fine. He was just over for band practice like yesterday or some time." (a/n: I don't have a timeline for this story, just go along with it.)

"Well, I just found him acting...differently than he did back when I first met him. Back then, he'd gladly engage in conversation with me. He was friendly. But he clearly avoided me, same with that Kuroo boy I've always been concerned about."

"They avoided you because they don't want to talk to scum like you. Now let me sleep before I kick you out of this house."

"Tomorrow. Nine o'clock. We talk about this."


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