[11] Fake

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Circles - Post Malone


unless you deem "sex" a vulgar word.

Previously: yama asked tsukki to go to the park with him bc he didn't wanna walk a dog alone. Akiteru thinks of it as a first date thing. Yama initiates a kiss and tsukki accepts it.

Setting: exiting the park.


Tsukishima begged for words to escape his lips. He was confused, and he wanted an explanation, but he was physically unable to ask for one.

He still remembered that, on the way to Kuroo's house, Yamaguchi had said he was scared of Tsukishima. 

Then what was that at the park?

Beside a lake, with cherry trees and everything, at night. Now that he thought about it, it did sound like a date or something of the like.

Silently, he cursed his brother, and then himself. His brother, because he hated when his brother was right about something. Himself, because he was too stupid to acknowledge that his brother was right beforehand. 

Before he knew it, the seven minute walk had passed, and they were standing at the doorstep to the Yamaguchi household.

Tadashi reached into his pocket and dug out his house key. He unlocked the door, but hesitated before opening it.

He turned to Tsukishima. He grabbed the drummer's hand and pressed something into his palm. 

Then he disappeared behind the front door.

When Tsukishima got back home, he sighed and put on his "my day was horrible" face. Or, in other words, his normal face. 

Akiteru ran up to his little brother. "Kei! How did it go? Did you ask him out? Did he have a dog? What'd you do at the park? Make out?"

Kei rolled his eyes. "One question at a time, please."

"Okay. First. Did you ask him out."

"No. That wasn't what it was about."

"Did he have a dog?"

"Yes. Her name is Snowy."

"What'd you do at the park?"

"Just walked. Sat on the bench."

"Oh, so you made out on a bench of a park! Nice."

Kei rubbed his eyes. "No, Akiteru. Please leave me alone."

"Kei-i-i-i I know you're hiding something..."

"Okay! If I tell you what happened, will you let me go to sleep?"

Akiteru nodded eagerly, a grin on his face.

Kei took a deep breath. "He kissed me."

Akiteru made an O shape with his mouth, but not from shock. His eyes shone with joy, and he raised his arms in a cheering position. 

"And? Anything else?"

"No," Kei said glumly. "I still don't know why he said he's scared of me."

"Ah," Akiteru said thoughtfully, sitting down on the couch. "Well, I have a hypothesis, but I think you should figure it out on your own."

"Okay. I'm going to bed now."

"Alright. Get some rest, tomorrow's a whole other day!"

Kei went upstairs to his room without another word. As soon as he changed into pajamas, he fell asleep.

The next morning, he woke up to find his phone screen glowing beside him. 

Yaku: is this real?

Kei bolted up in bed when he saw the next message. Sent from Yaku was a picture of Yamaguchi and Kei himself at the park when they'd kissed.

you: yes. It happened last night. But where did you get that from?

Yaku: Kuroo sent it to me. Apparently he told Yamaguchi to do it.

you: why'd Kuroo tell him to?

Yaku: a dare. 

Tsukishima turned his phone off and brought his knees to his chest, gripping his hair. That's all it had been to Tadashi? A game?

He didn't know if he was mad at Kuroo or Yamaguchi. Both of them, probably.

Tsukishima laid out his options. He could text Yamaguchi, demanding his reasons for it. He could text Kuroo, asking the same thing. But that was probably what they wanted from him. A response.

Well, Kei decided, I won't give them a response.

So he left the messages on read and went to take a shower, leaving his phone in his room, unaware of it buzzing. 

"Kei? Hey, hey, come here..."

I don't want your help.

But he did, so he dropped his drumsticks and went to his brother, who hugged him tightly. The drummer's tears soaked into the other's shirt. 

Akiteru looked at his younger brother, who's mouth was quivering and eyes were red. "Tell me what's wrong."

"It was all a joke," Kei mumbled, biting his lip. "He doesn't love me."

Akiteru looked almost shocked for a second. "Tadashi? Play with someone's feelings like that? I don't think he would."

"Well, I didn't think so either." Kei gestured to his phone across the garage. "Go ahead and check."

So he did. With a pained look, the older brother scrolled through the recent conversations. In any other circumstance, Kei would have resisted-but at this point, he needed someone to believe him. 

"Why didn't you talk to Kuroo? I thought you would've raged at him by now."

"But it's all a prank. That's what he wants, an anger-driven reply. For humor."


Akiteru presses the phone into Kei's hand. "Yamaguchi's trying to tell you something. I think you should listen." And so Akiteru left the garage to make breakfast.

The drummer looked at the messages his brother had left open. His vision was still blurred, but he could see the words clearly enough.

yama: listen to me

yama: please

yama: I didn't want it to turn out this way

yama: I'm telling you the truth

yama: you know I don't want to repeat eighth grade

yama: and I know you don't want to either

yama: so just listen to me, please?

yama: tsukki

Tsukishima sat down on the stool that accompanied his drum kit and finally forced himself to respond.

you: fine. I'm listening.



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