[28] His Words

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Lvr Boy - awfultune
A chill love song just to switch things up a bit (it's 5 minutes long but,,yeah it's sweet)

at the end of this chapter imma give y'all a couple Haikyuu fanfic recommendations bc people are underrated

Previously ~ "Come stay at my house tonight."

That's all you need to remember, really.

"Hey, I've got dad on a call! Come here."

Tsukishima sighed and walked over to Akiteru, guiding a sleepy Yamaguchi to the couch. "Hello, father."

The man from the other end of the call instantly brightened. "Kei! It's so great to see you." His attention switched to Yamaguchi. "And you, too, Tadashi."

Yamaguchi smiled and waved. His fatigue seemed to disappear.

"I'll go get some snacks," Akiteru announced happily, wandering into the kitchen.

His father's wild grin was radiating so much joy that it was almost concerning. "So, how have you two been?"

"We're doing good. It's just another day."

Yamaguchi huffed at Tsukishima's lack of explanation and held up his notebook. We had our performance today!

"Oh, that's right! Akiteru send me a video recording of you guys. Your singing was as beautiful as ever, Tadashi."

If it was possible, Yamaguchi's smile brightened. In ecstasy, he forgot about his notebook and signed "thank you".

Akiteru came back from the kitchen with a plate of fruits. Yamaguchi thanked him and grabbed a few grapes.

They kept talking for maybe about another half hour until Kei noticed a weight on his right side. He looked to his right and saw Yamaguchi's resting head on his shoulder, eyes closed peacefully.

"I'll take him up," Kei said, picking up Tadashi and going upstairs.

Somewhere along the way, Yamaguchi stirred and yawned. He blinked a few times before looking up at Kei, who threw a set of pajamas at him after putting him down.

"Get changed," Tsukishima mumbled. "The bathroom's the second door in the hall."

Yamaguchi yawned again and nodded, heading to the hall. He came back and fell onto Tsukishima's bed, falling asleep instantly.

Tsukishima woke up at 3:21 am with a dry throat. The bed was awfully cold, which was probably the reason he'd woken so early.

He quickly headed downstairs and got a glass of water. When he came back up, he realized just why the bed had been so cold.

The covers on Yamaguchi's side were lifted, exposing the empty mattress.

Okay, don't panic, his phone is still on the table. Yeah, don't panic, your boyfriend's missing but that's fine.

Tsukishima set the glass down on his small beside table. He wandered into the hallway, looking for any lights that leaked under the closed doors.

Two lights could be seen: one under the door of the bathroom...and one under Akiteru's door.

*Mini panic attack*

Okay, I'll just check the bathroom first.

It was completely silent. Water wasn't running, no sound of a reach for a hand towel.

Tsukishima approached the bathroom door and tapped it softly. Not loud enough to cause a disturbance in the middle of the night, but loud enough to be heard from the other side.

There was a tapping sound in response.

"Tadashi, what are you doing in there?" Tsukishima asked in a soft voice. "Come back to bed."

There was a gasp for breath and a few coughs.

"If you're not coming out, I'm gonna step in."

Tsukishima rested his hand on the door handle and pushed the door open slowly. At first, there was another force-probably Yamaguchi pushing the door shut from the other side-stopping him, but it went slack after a few seconds.

"Why're you crying? It's 3 am."

Of course, he didn't expect a verbal response. All he needed was a sign, a message, of what to do.

And so he was in shock when the other started speaking.

Tadashi gasped for breath, his eyes still red and tired. "I d-don't kn-now if I'm...good e-enough."

Before Tsukishima could respond, the singer collapsed into his arms, hugging his chest tightly and holding his breath to prevent further sobbing.

Tsukishima hugged him back, unsure of what else to do other than stay and wait. So that's what he did. He stayed, and he waited there.

After a minute or two, Tadashi regained his breath and tapped the drummer's back, giving the signal that he needed.

Tsukishima took the other's hand gently and guided him through the dark hallway (in the exception of the light from Akiteru's space) back to his room.

The couple sat on the edge of the bed, adjusting the blanket before lying down completely.

Tadashi put the covers over himself first and waited for the blonde to do the same.

Kei took Yamaguchi's hand again and said plainly, "You are good enough."

The other forced a soft chuckle and then let a genuine smile grow. He moved closer to Kei and whispered, "I love you."

And the drummer would've responded, but his lover had already closed his eyes and regained steady breaths.

And even though he never heard that voice form words again, and he never knew why it stayed that way, it was okay. Because though just a few words were spoken, they were his words.

Words weren't everything to him anyway.

"Well, I guess they'll never find out why Tadashi went mute," Akiteru said, putting the book 'Words Aren't Everything' down and switching off the light. "At least I know. Ah, the privileges of being an influential side character..."

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