[26] Hospital Bed

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Me and U - Jordan Maxwell 

6k reads and 3k comments y'all are on crack , keep it up

Discovery: copy + paste is easier than making a summary.

["Maybe it's really personal," the third teacher interrupted. "We'll see if he's late tomorrow, and if he's not, he's fine! If he is, we can send someone to stop by their house."


Footsteps were approaching the door. Hearing it, Tsukishima dashed for the stairs.]

[does that actually help you remember what happened or not lol]

We continue ❤️❤️❤️

Maybe he's just sick. 

But then he would've texted back, right? Am I overthinking this?

Tsukishima put his pen down and exhaled, giving up on his homework. 

He checked his phone. He'd texted Yamaguchi after he'd exited the school building, hoping for an explanation.

you: Where were you today?

[Read: 3:15 pm]

Well shit, Tsukishima thought. Not only did he not respond, but he left me on read. Rude.

Suddenly, his phone started ringing. 

[Incoming call: Rooster Head.]

He sighed and picked up the phone. "Hello, Kuroo."

"Hey, um—so, I think your boyfriend died? People are saying he's at the hospital."

Tsukishima leaped out of his chair. "What? Who'd you hear this from?"

"Overheard some jocks talking shit about him. Don't worry, I beat them up so you didn't have to."

"Shit-alright, I'm going now."

"Right now? Wait, just by yourself?"


"You don't want me or Yaku or Akiteru to go with you?"

"No, it's fine. I know the way."

Tsukishima ran out the door to his car. Akiteru wasn't home yet, so if there wasn't much traffic, he should be able to get back before his brother got worried.

He arrived at the hospital after just 20 minutes. He immediately asked for a room number under "Yamaguchi Tadashi".

"We don't seem to have anyone under that name registered here," the desk lady said. "Perhaps he's in a different hospital? Or under someone else's name?"

He froze. If this was another one of Kuroo's pranks, he was going to murder someone.

Then he remembered the dinner at Tadashi's last night. Tadashi and his mother were talking about something possibly-probably-related to Tadashi's father, who hadn't been at the table. Tsukishima hadn't seen him in four years, not even after Tadashi moved back to Miyagi prefecture.

Tsukishima narrowed his eyes. What was Tadashi's father's name? Did he even ever bother to learn?

He decided he didn't have enough time to find out. "Just...Yamaguchi."

The desk lady nodded and looked back at her computer. "We have a patient under the name of Daisuke Yamaguchi. Is that who you're looking for?"

And, since he didn't know, he obviously said, "yes, ma'am."

"Room 208."

"Thank you."

He rushed to the elevator and made his way through the hospital to room 208. Walking through the halls had been one thing, since he only knew where he needed to go, but now that he was standing outside the door, his mind went blank.

Holding his breath, he tapped on the door twice. He heard some footsteps and then the squeaking of the door.

"Tadashi, what's going—"

His eyes flickered to the back right corner of the room, where the hospital bed was located.

"—on, oh, I—"

Tsukishima looked back at the shorter boy, who didn't make eye contact, but just stepped aside to make room for the drummer to enter.

He walked into the hospital room and sat on the little sofa crammed between the bed and the wall. Yamaguchi joined him.

"Have you been here all day?"

Yamaguchi shrugged. He wrote down a few sentences, going remarkably slower than he usually did. When he finished, he scanned his writing before giving Tsukishima the notebook.

Pretty much. I've run around town to do a few errands, but other than that, I've just been here.

"Ah. Okay." Tsukishima handed the notebook back to his boyfriend. "You know, I wish you would've told me."

Tadashi nodded slowly. He hesitated, tapping the page with his pen before writing anything.

I was planning to. Tomorrow.

"Oh, that's right...if you aren't on time for school tomorrow, they're going to send someone over to your place."

The singer simply hummed in response, still not looking at the other.

Tsukishima looked at the occupied hospital bed. Sleeping peacefully with an IV tube and mask around his nose and mouth was the man he hadn't seen in four years. 

His hair, once black and long, had turned to a deep shade of gray and cut short. The wrinkles on his face had obviously increased. Even when he was sleeping, he looked exhausted.

Not seeing anything else to do, the drummer stood up. "Get home safely. You can't stay here forever."

Tadashi only nodded.

"And update me on his case tomorrow."

Another nod.

Tsukishima glared. Not really at Tadashi, but more at himself for not being able to get an answer from a person he truly cared about. 

A sigh escaped his lips as he dropped the expression. "See you tomorrow."

//  desperate tsukkiyama shippers be summoned 

I'm starting a new book called Housemaid|Tsukkiyama !! here's a little preview if you're interested~

Yamaguchi Tadashi left early, always in a rush. Nobody questioned it because nobody cared.

Until, of course, Tsukishima Kei arrived home after school one day to find Yamaguchi Tadashi in his bedroom.

And of course, he didn't know the name Yamaguchi Tadashi at that moment, because, as mentioned before, that name belonged to the school loser, the one that nobody cared about.

So he dropped his bag and said, "who are you? And why are you in my house?"

The school loser made an expression that had anxiety and sadness in one. "I'm Yamaguchi Tadashi. And I'm here to clean your room."

the first chapter is out :> update schedule is,, undecided, it'll probably just be whenever I feel like the chapter has a natural ending. 

bokuaka is a side ship, btw, so ,,, keep that in mind 

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