[19] Please Let Me Get Drunk

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side effects - carlie hanson

Previously: his mom intimidates yams bc she hates him.

Setting: Tsukishima household

The drummer woke up to his phone ringing on his nightstand. Groaning, as it was only 7 in the morning, he reached for the device, barely avoiding knocking over a lamp.

"What do you want," he deadpanned.

"How was the date? Did ya get dick yet?"

"Shut the hell up, Kuroo. That cafe date was your worst idea yet. You're not making my situation any better."

"Aw, cmon! Surely you got your chance to make a move."

"He was the one who made a move."

"Even better! Now you know he has feelings for you!"

"Last time I thought that, it turned out to be a prank. Made by you, might I add."

"Haha. Got me there...doesn't matter though—you said he made a move, right? So, what'd ya do? Made out with him, right? Now you have an s-o!"

Though Kuroo couldn't see it, Tsukishima glared. "Well, you forgot one thing," he said, his voice cracking. "He already has one."


"Yeah. He's got a girlfriend. So please, don't talk to me, and stop trying to set us up."

"...Roger." There was even a twinge of regret in the bassist's voice. "Hey, call me if you need me. For real, I mean."


Tsukishima hung up and fell asleep again.

The boy woke up again two hours later to his parents yelling. He'd been planning to sleep the day off, but now he realized trying to do so would be useless.

Quickly, he threw on a simple shirt and jeans. A few minutes later, he escaped through the front door with a backpack.

Tsukishima pulled his phone out and sent a text to Akiteru, telling him he was going "somewhere" (though he wasn't sure where yet) and would be back before dinner. As if on instinct, he called Yaku to ask if he was free.

"Yeah, why?"

"Need to go someplace."

Hesitation. "...Okay. You can use the back door, nobody's home until four."

He said a quick thanks and hung up, walking to Yaku's house.

This wasn't the first time he'd asked to go to the guitarist's, though it'd been a while. Maybe about a year, Tsukishima thought. In middle school, he'd frequently found himself aching to leave the household full of hatred. He usually went to Yaku's because he didn't think he would stay sane with only Kuroo around. Yamaguchi's parents weren't exactly fond of Tsukishima, and he didn't really know anyone else, so the guitarist was his only option.

But when his parents had moved, the house had become calmer, more relaxed and loving. So he didn't really have a reason to go.

Until now, that is.

Tsukishima opened the back door, which led to a hallway with rooms open left and right and a kitchen in the far front of the house.

Yaku popped out of his room. "Hey. Someone else decided to come over, so...yeah. Make yourself at home. Or, not at home."

Tsukishima ducked into Yaku's room with another "thanks".

Yaku's room had always been simple and decently organized with lime green walls and a desk and dresser. His bed was somehow always made, despite there being at least 3 blankets and 5 pillows. Now, there was something else on the bed.

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