[13] Mixed Messages

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Two Time-Jack Stauber

This song is about cheating.

Clean. I think.

Previously: the note Yamaguchi gave Tsukishima said "I am not like you". Tsukishima remembers that he had played with Yamaguchi's feelings two years ago because he didn't understand why Yamaguchi had gone mute. Now he knows that the kiss at the park wasn't a joke to Yamaguchi.

Setting: School.

Tsukishima sat down in his seat for home room. The first thing he did was take out his school folder and pencil. His brother had dragged him into spending "family time" together, so he hadn't gotten the chance to complete all of his assignments. 

Not too long after, he found himself finished. It was rushed, but complete nevertheless. So he put the folder away and crossed his arms over his desk, making a sort of pillow to rest his head on. 

He was about to drift off to sleep, but soon enough, he heard a fit of laughter from two people coming from the doorway.

"We'll to continue this conversation at lunch," a familiar voice says. "I gotta head to class. Later, Tadashi!"

I'm sorry, what?

Did you just call him by his first name?

You unworthy piece of-

Tsukishima interrupted his own self. "Good morning, Yamaguchi." 

The boy turned to the drummer and nodded, smiling. He went to his seat, and the smile didn't fade. 

Who was it that made him so happy? Tsukishima wondered. Happier than I ever did...

Tsukishima tried to piece together who it was that Yamaguchi had talked to. He'd certainly heard the voice before, and it was definitely female. But he didn't know a lot of girls. 

He could just ask. But would that make him look suspicious? Too protective? Weird? Controlling?

Suddenly, the bell rang, and class started. 

His full attention shifted once lunch time approached. In his last two middle school years, he'd sat with a talking Yamaguchi, Hinata, and Kenma. But then Hinata had moved to a table to sit next to a boy named Kageyama, and Kenma had followed him. Since they weren't a close-knit group-just a few losers who had nobody to hang out with except others like themselves-Yamaguchi and he didn't follow the pair; they moved to sit with Kuroo and Yaku, which was how they'd met.

Then what some would call a "break-up" had happened. In Tsukishima's mind, it wasn't much of a relationship in the first place; they were in eighth grade, and that just made him some dumb idiot who just wanted an s/o to fit in with other people who had a partner. 

Yamaguchi had left the table then to go with Hinata and Kenma and whoever they sat with. That was when Tsukishima, Kuroo, and Yaku made their band. None of them wanted to be the "outcasts" who only sat with each other because they all had that "loser vibe" in common. 

So then they became the close-knit group of friends Tsukishima hadn't ever gotten before. In their small group, everyone knew everyone's secrets, birthdays, favourite snack, etc. 

And now, Tsukishima let his feet lead him to the same table, with Kuroo and Yaku.

And now Yamaguchi.

With his lunch tray, the drummer cautiously sat next to the singer, seeing how Kuroo and Yaku were beside each other. Discussion immediately commenced, with Kuroo being a chatterbox and all, but it wasn't long before someone else caught their attention.

"Tadashi! Come over and sit at my table, and we can keep talking about our previous discussion."

Goddamnit Kiyoko, Tsukishima thought, go pay attention to your significant other so she'll stop talking to mine. 

Of course, Yamaguchi waved goodbye to the band silently and followed Yachi to her table with Kiyoko, Bokuto, and Akaashi. 

"How much you wanna bet they're talking about you, Tsukishima?" Kuroo said.

"One cent. I'm broke."

"I'd bet my life," Yaku said. "Those two have been friends for years, and they share everything with each other."

This didn't comfort Tsukishima in the least. He'd hoped things could go back to normal after their discussion about what had happened in the park, but now Yamaguchi was talking about his problems to someone else.

Will things ever go back to normal? the drummer asked himself. Probably not. Not after the last couple of years. 

With that decision, he excused himself from the table to go to the restroom. 

Outside of the cafeteria walls, the school was quiet. The carpeted hallway didn't make it any better; Kei could barely hear his own footsteps. 

The only thing that disturbed the silence was the sound of flipping pages. Tsukishima figured that someone must be skipping class and reading a book. 

He was, in fact, incorrect. 

When he realized that the flipping pages belonged to Tadashi Yamaguchi's notebook, he ducked behind a wall that split the hall into a corridor. 

A hushed voice accompanied the rustling pages. "I don't know, Yamaguchi," Yachi's voice said. "I'm not sure if I can do it right."

The sound of pen on paper continued. And then, "okay, you got me. You're sure this'll work?"

More sentences are written.

"Alright. I suppose it is worth a shot. Thanks for being in this relationship!" 

Oh. So she's not Kiyoko's girlfriend. My bad. I could practically feel the gay radiating off of them.

Internally, Tsukishima slapped himself. 

You dumbass. She's not Kiyoko's girlfriend.

She's Yamaguchi's.

The drummer waited for the girl to pass him before cooly walking to the restroom, pretending to not have overheard anything.


...dom yams?

like not top but

spicy, u kno?

It's an option

just putting it out there

I need ur opinion for...future chapters 

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