[24] Silent Messages

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Sunflower - Rex Orange County

Someone else has to write the previous/setting thing here bc I'm too lazy

hey so, remember when y'all voted for "the park or the house"? 

well, have I got a surprise for you.

Tsukishima was the first to finish his plate. He waited for the other two to finish as well. And as he did, he thought.


We don't actually know the colour of dinosaurs.

They could be pink.

Pink t-rexs. Oh my lord.

Holy shit, for all we know, they could've been rainbow.

Rainbow pterodactyls. Woah.

Tadashi finished his dinner last and took all the plates to the kitchen. Which left Tsukishima in the most terrifying situation.

I am stuck, he realized, at a dinner table that is not mine. I do not know this woman. She hates me, for certain.

I don't want to be here. Can I go home? No. That'd be too rude. She'd hate me more. If that's even possible.

Should I talk? What should I talk about?

Mrs. Yamaguchi didn't even make eye contact.

She doesn't seem to want to talk. She's stuck in a daze or something. Is she okay?

Is Tadashi okay? What was that conversation earlier?

I don't know what to dooooo fhfngnkgkgmg

He took a deep breath and held it for a few seconds. Okay, think rationally. What would Akiteru do?

He'd probably start talking. I can just imagine it; word vomit spewing out of his mouth as he embarrasses himself with random topics.

Okay, so I shouldn't do that. The Akiteru way is usually the wrong way.

What would Yaku do then? Yaku's usually smart. But then again, he's not that sociable, so would he even know what to do? What was that advice he gave me again?

Yaku's words from just a few hours ago rang in his head. Something about not being sassy, be calm and respectful instead.

Well, that doesn't help.

He almost started to panic for real. Luckily, Tadashi appeared from the entrance to the kitchen and motioned for Tsukishima to come forth.

"I'll, uh, help with the dishes," Tsukishima mumbled.

Tadashi shook his head. He pointed towards the staircase and, without further warning, went to the second floor.

Confused, Tsukishima followed the singer to his room. The couple sat on the edge of the bed.

Tadashi made the first move. A tap on the shoulder to get Kei to face him. He made the second move, too. A kiss.

It was, to Tsukishima's surprise, a bit forceful in some way. Until the singer broke them off, crawled onto the other's lap, and rested his head on his shoulder. 

Tsukishima wrapped his arms around Yamaguchi, who did the same in return.

Should I ask him what's wrong? Is that too personal? Is there even anything wrong in the first place?

Yamaguchi sighed and started drawing lines on the drummer's back. A heart formed from the lines, and then his hand went slack. 

There were no words, just the sound of wind rushing by outside. 

Tsukishima, wanting to preserve the silence, traced the same shape on Tadashi's back. He didn't know exactly what it meant, but he knew he wanted to say it back.

They rested like that for a few minutes before Tsukishima realized Tadashi's breath had become slower, more relaxed, and constant. 

Not wanting to wake him up, the drummer carefully laid him down on the bed and turned the fan on. He scribbled a note saying that he had left and put it next to Tadashi.

It wasn't until he planted the note when he found streaks of tears slowly falling onto the pillow and sheets beneath him.

His eyes were still closed gently, not pressured. His mouth was slightly open, and his face wasn't ridden with any sort of red. There was no sign that he was crying; just the streaks that escaped.

Ah, what do I do now...?

Well, I can't just wake him up, he decided. He took the note he'd written and added "text me when you wake up" at the end.

He checked to make sure that he hadn't left anything behind and was just about to leave when he turned back to the note.

He read it over. Headed home, see you later. Text me when you wake up.

He scribbled something else down. I love you.

Then he told Mrs. Yamaguchi something around the lines of "thanks for dinner, it was nice to meet you, I'll be on my way now" and walked home.

// haha a/n bc I'm a loser 

that whole choose your route thing? 

a joke :)

Ok hear me out

It wasn't originally gonna be a joke. It was gonna be a real thing. But then I finished the original ch24 and started on 25 and realized oh, I shouldn't have to put them through that shit yet, so then I started this chapter. And now you have this ch24.

Idk when that choose ur route will come into play, or if it'll just be abandoned altogether. Who knows? I didn't plan this far. I planned like 3 chapters and 2 scenes and started publishing.

Also, I've decided that updates will now be every 5 days just so I have more time to actually think about what I'm writing so we don't end up in another changed-last-minute chapter like this one 

alright bye now I have to write an essay wish me luck 

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