December 16, 2004

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My name is Anthony Elsternwick,

I am 35 years old

and I will soon fall for the fate the rest before have.

I don't know what to do, I have a family to feed and I need to find a way to get out of this situation that I am in and I feel like there is a way to get out of this, but understanding that way might as well be impossible, it seems as though they have started watching and I got this book 2 days ago, so going by that they seem to have time to afford, it seems as though there are moments where I feel like I am not being watched, then there are somewhere I feel their piercing eyes gazing at me through the shadows.

I don't think I can get out of this even if I tried at this rate and thinking back to where I found this book, there was blood near it meaning that this person is armed in some way.

If that is the case, I might not have many chances, but yet I still need to try to get out of this situation

I am in, I know if I just stay inside the house that would mean my family will be in danger and if I leave I could die at any second, so what point do I have of even trying then, if every turn I go I could possibly die.

Damn it all!!!!

I guess I just have to go with blind luck then and with what hope I got left then!

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