January 3, 2018

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My brother was a coward.......

I never thought he would do something or anything like this...........

My name is James Stephan,

2 days after my brother killed himself, I went to his house to visit and though my brother was secretive, he was one to be trusting of close friends. I opened the door and this time it only used 1 key and I went in, when I was inside I saw his corpse, his eyes white with no soul in either one of them, the blood dry and covered all over the floor, his right hand was cut and his left hand was gripping onto this book.

It was odd, he seemed to be at peace with no regret, but truly he had many things that he had left behind and I really don't understand why he had done this.

I feel like he was hiding something, I don't understand what, but one thing is clear, some of the pages in this book were torn......

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