2: Training.

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I walked behind the rest of the class, I didn't want to interrupt them, they all seemed close to one another. Well except some of the boys. They fought a lot. I hide my face.

"Why the hell does she wear that thing on her eye?" I heard whispers. I knew it was about me. I tried to act like I couldn't hear them when I really could hear all of them. Even if they were whispering to one another. 

"Yeah, I know. What is she hiding?" The other female spoke low. I felt my hands shake. I wanted to run and leave. There was no point in being here, I can't even look people in the eye. I felt my chest hurt. I felt something hit my head. I flinched looking up. I saw the blue-haired boy looking down at me softly. I hunched my shoulders. 

"Are you okay? You seem lost?" He spoke softly. I knew he didn't want to scare me, but how would I respond? I normally freeze and run. But he's trying his hardest to be nice to me. I blinked a few times. His eyes never left mine. I felt my body shake, I was getting nervous again. I scrunched my nose. I tried to brush past him, but he snatched my wrist. I flinched turning my gaze to him. 

"I know your shy, and scared. But I won't hurt you." I was shaking like no one would believe. Something was off about him. He looked human, but the soft blue eyes. Threw me off guard.  He continued to stare into my (e/c). He looked down at my hand I think he saw my hands shaking. He looked back to my eyes. 

"Alright, everyone!" The teacher shouted the boy looked up I took the opportunity to release my wrist and rush to the rest of the class. I stood behind this blonde girl. The teacher pushed his glasses up looking at all of us. I could tell he was looking for his victim. 


I flinched his finger was pointing straight at me. I swallowed the hard rock in my throat. I felt my knees get heavier. 

"You will start us off." He pointed down to the arena. I dropped my shoulders walking to the ladder. I sighed climbing down the ladder. 

"Wow, she'll be killed in a snap." The one girl whispered. I felt my hand-shake I knew they were getting to me. I didn't want to show them I had powers. I needed to think of a way to fight without using my demon side. I looked at the phantom. It used both its eyes to glance around the room. So it is like a chameleon. It can't see straight huh? I could use it to get to him. 

"Remember no powers, you don't want to die. Do you?" I flinched I knew that voice I glanced seeing him on his chair sipping on some tea. He was watching me. Great now more pressure. I sighed staring at the phantom with my (e/c). It was still looking around it making sure no one would attack it from behind. 

"Is she going to do something or what?" I flinched what is her deal. I'm thinking here okay. What if you had powers and if you showed them to the world. You'd know they'd kill you. How the hell would you feel? I turned my head glaring at her. Her eyes met mine. She soon widened her eyes as shivers went down her spine. I saw her other friend come to her aid. I looked away back at the phantom. I grabbed a rock-throwing it at his eye. It turned it's head like a chicken to get a better look at me. I held out my hand as it charged me. I focused my hand into its skull. I stared deep into its eyes. I felt everyone staring at me. I gripped my fist jumping over it grabbing my knife stabbing the phantom in the head. I landed onto the ground seeing it go to dust. I sighed looking up at everyone, they had wide eyes. I lowered my eyes.

I reached the top seeing everyone looking at me with their mouths wide open. I looked away I hated all this attention. 

"How the hell did you do that?" The black-haired boy with a blonde streak in it shouted pointing his finger at me. I jumped, why did he have to shout at me? I glanced at the girl she crossed her arms puffing out her cheeks. 

"Took you long enough." I dropped my shoulder, I mean I could have ended using my powers and burn the thing till it died. Risking my life and getting killed by the teacher. So I'm sorry that it took longer then you wanted it princess, but I was thinking. And besides there one of the stupidest phantoms out there. They won't charge until they see you. So I'm sorry I took your precious time away from you. 

"I-I'd l-like t-to see y-you try," I mumbled looking away from her. I felt her glare at me. 

"You wanna test me! I could kill that thing fa-"

"Will you knock it off Kamiki!" I jerked turning my eyes to the blue-haired boy. He frowned his brows towards the girl. I assume is Kiamiki. I dropped my shoulders rubbing my arm. 

"Rin stop putting your nose where it doesn't belong!"A boy pushed Rin. I let my hair cover my eyes. 

"Well, Kamiki doesn't need to be her and make others mad. She tried her best to beat the thing okay. And to be fair, all she would have done was insult it as she does to other people." He gripped his fist. I wanted to run away this was my fault if I would of keep my mouth shut no of this would have happened. I felt the tears perk at the edges of my eyes. 

"I would have not insulted the damn thing. She just needs to shut up, she's better gone then being here. Look she's a crybaby!"

I felt something warm touch my shoulder I looked up seeing the teacher. I felt a tear roll down my cheek as everyone's eyes were on me. 

"Will you all knock it off. She has never been to a real school or had real friends. She's been homeschooled her whole life. So her fighting technique may be different than others doesn't mean she'll learn to fight a different way. Everyone is their own self. Okay. Now all of you head back to class. Rin and (L/n) stay with me." Everyone groaned I lowered my head once again. 

"She's now the teacher's pet." I heard Kamiki whisper to her friend. 

"Why the hell did you stop me!" Rin shouted at the teacher. He still had his palm on my shoulder. 

"Rin you don't need to pick a fight with everyone okay. You need to control your anger." The teacher sighed pushing his glasses onto the prim of his nose. 

"I know I do but still, their picking on a girl who hasn't been to a school or met other people. It pisses me off Yukio. Why aren't you mad?" How does Rin know the teacher's name?

"Rin I am mad but. I don't need to shove and yell at others. I will talk to Kamiki, I need you to take her to our dorms." Yukio's palm left my shoulder. 

"Wait I thought we were the only ones staying there?" Rin raised his brows. Yukio nodded. 

"We were, but Mephestio wants her to stay with us." I flinched, he told me I was staying with him. Did he lie to me?

"Oh" He turned to look at me, he smiled brightly I thought it was going to blind me. I hunched my shoulders. He patted my shoulders. I flinched seeing him walked away. I lowered my eyes to the floor following slowly behind him...

Great, I know my powers will show...



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