8: My Demon (-////-)

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Rins Pov:

I leaned onto my bed looking at the ceiling. I smiled, (Y/n) was so beautiful.  When she hugged me I swear the butterflies in my stomach freaked out more and more. 

"What's with that face Rin?" I jerked sitting up seeing Yukio. I frowned my eyebrows. 

"Shut up four-eyed mole face" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Hows (Y/n)?" He pulled off his coat. I smiled dropping my shoulders.

"Doing better, we talked for a bit." I rubbed the back of my neck thinking about her hugging me, she's starting to come out of her shell. I know her past was awful but she starting to trust others. Mainly me, maybe because I'm a demon like her. 

"Is that why you're smiling so stupidly?" He turned to me and smirked. I growled. 

"Shut up!" I tsked looking to the side. He laughed.

"Rin I know you like her. I wouldn't blame you." He sat at his desk crossing his leg over the other. I rolled my eyes. 

"So what if I do?" I frowned my eyebrows towards him.

"I'm happy you do Rin. But if you two become one, there will be people and other demons after you two. One because your Satans Son, and two because she's Kamaka demon of Death." I widened my eyes, he knew what she was.

"Don't look at me like that. You wouldn't think the teacher wouldn't know about who (Y/n) really is?" He smiled I dropped my jaw, damn he's full of surprises huh. I shook my head and smiled. 

Knock Knock.

I looked to the door seeing Yukio walk to open the door. 

"Oh, hey (Y/n). Can I help you?" I felt my face fluster I saw her standing in front of Yukio fiddling with her fingers. I smiled softly, she's so cute. 

"Y-Yeah c-can I-I talk t-to R-Rin?" She looked at the floor, I stood walking behind Yukio placing my hand onto his shoulder. He turned and smile looking back at her. 

"I'll leave you two alone." He walked past her. I placed my hands onto my hips. I looked her up and down. I felt blood rush out of my nose. She was wearing a large hoodie that went down to her knees. It made her look like she wasn't wearing any pants again. This wasn't the first time I saw her like this. I held my nose. She looked away. 

"You can come in" I patted her head with my free hand as I clean my nose. Great now I know I have hella feelings for her. She walked to my bed sitting down crossing her legs. I shook my head walking towards her sitting next to her. I could tell something was one her mind, but what? I rubbed her back she flinched to the touch. I know she was scared because she doesn't know what people will do. So she gets scared, even if you're trying to soothe her. 

"R-Rin?" I grabbed onto her shoulder leaning her onto my body. I rubbed my hand in circles. I hummed.

"W-What's a c-crush?" I jerked, what did she just say. I rubbed the back of my neck, wow she's really never been out in the real world huh?

"A crush is someone who makes you think twice. Like your stomach turns when they talk to you or smile. That someone makes you want to protect them at all costs." I ran my hair through her (h/l) (h/c) she gripped my shirt. I smiled. 

"They also make sure you don't put your self down. They try with everything they got to make them smile. You try to help them with everything and make sure they never feel sad about anything." I felt my heart jump out of my stomach. She glanced up at me. My blue eyes met her (e/c) eye and her red-one. She looked down gripping tighter onto my shirt. 

"Why do you ask?" I blinked soft. Her eyes widened I saw her face fluster. She quickly hid her head on my chest. I smiled softly. 

"B-Because I-I think I-I l-like you" I widened my eyes. She liked me. I mean I'm glad I thought she was so unique in every fuckin way. From when I first ran into her something inside of me clicked when I saw her (e/c) eye. It blew me away. When she stood up to fight the demon that posses Shiemi, and when we paired up to find the ghost. Just everything about her glew in my head. I rubbed her back in circles. 

"Look at me" I spoke softly she gripped my shirt I knew she was scared about her flustered face. She looked at me. I tiled my head seeing her beautiful flustered face. 

"You're cute you know that?" She flinched she was about to hide her face again I grabbed her chin looking deep into her strange eyes. She tried to hide her eyes with her face. I rolled my eyes shaking my head. I pushed her hair out of her eyes. She started to fluster even more. I chuckled. She blinked light looking into my blue eyes. I knew she was trying to understand what I was doing. 

"(Y/n), will you be my demon?" She jerked I felt my face fluster. I wanted her close to me so I could protect her with everything. She looked down gripping my shirt.

"A-Are you a-asking m-me to be y-your g-girlfriend?" She looked away I saw her cheeks brighten. I chuckled pulling her closer to me. 

"Yes, I am." I smiled, I was able to see a soft smile form onto her face. She looked at me her eyes traced through mine. 

"O-Of course I-I will." I smiled brightly hugging her close to my chest. I ran my fingers through her hair, now I needed to protect her from anything. Even if that meant losing my life. 

His Demon {Rin x reader}Where stories live. Discover now