7: Questions?

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I leaned onto the wall having my knees to my chest. Was Rin okay? He was badly hurt. I hope so.

I have been locked in my room for a while. I didn't want to face anyone even though Rin was the only person who saw my red-eye. I ripped my knees feeling the tears roll down my cheeks. What if he tells everyone about me? What if he starts to get scared of me? I lowered my head. I wanted to just leave so no one had to worry about me anymore. It was pointless being here anyways. Mephisto was right. I'm better off hidden then being seen by people. 

Knock Knock

I flinched hearing someone knock onto my door. I didn't respond I just wanted to sit in the corner and be forgotten.

"Come on (Y/n), I know you're in there. Just let me see if you're alright." I jerked. It was Rin, why was he here? I dropped my shoulders. I just stayed quiet until he walked away. I heard him sigh. I leaned my head onto my shoulders hiding my face behind my hair. I heard the door open. Shit, I forgot to lock it. I gripped my sweatpants as I heard their footsteps come closer. I felt something run through my hair. I jerked, was it Rin?

"(Y/n), why are you hiding?" It was Rin. I dropped my shoulders. I didn't want to answer, I just wanted to be alone. I glanced up meeting his blue soften eyes stare at mine. I blinked slowly just allowing him to stare at my red-eye, I clearly didn't care anymore he already saw my red-eye. He reached his hand out I flinched unknowing what he was going to do. I looked away feeling his hand touch my cheek. I glanced back at him. Why was he being so nice to me? I'm Kamaka, The demon of Death. He shouldn't be so nice to me. 

"(Y/n), you shouldn't be afraid of me, I'm not going to hurt you." He spoke low but gentle, I soften my eyes looking deep into his blue ones. I gripped my pants.

"B-But you s-should b-be afraid o-of m-me." I hunched my shoulders. He dropped his shoulders. He rubbed his thumb on my cheek.

"I'm not, yes you're a demon. But so am I. You saw the blue flames." I looked down, I did. But I know what Satan's like. But Rin is different from his "dad". Rin held me when I wanted to kill Amaimon. He held me close to him like he was trying to calm me down. I just want to know why? But me being me, I'm too scared to. 

"(Y/n)?" I glanced up seeing Rin staring at me his hand still on my cheek. 

"Y-Yes?" I stuttered.

"Can we ask one another question?" He rubbed my cheek, I could tell he was trying to get to know me more. I dropped my shoulders nodding my head slowly. 

"I'll go first. Why do you flinch?" I widened my eyes, great starting off strong. I looked away feeling the warmth of his hand move from my face. 

"W-When I-I was l-little people b-bullied m-me because I-I was s-so different f-from the r-rest. I-I s-soon s-showed m-my power, t-then m-my parents w-wanted me d-dead." I felt the tears poke the corner of my eyes. He dropped his shoulders. I glanced at him seeing there was worry in his eyes. 

"M-My t-turn. A-Are you S-Satans S-Son?" I gripped my pant leg seeing him drop his head. 

"Yeah, I am his son. And I don't like him for what he's done. So I'm becoming an Excosist to kill him." He looked so determined to kill him. I smiled softly, he just gives off that brave vibe whenever I'm around him.

"You smiled?" I flinched, shit he saw it. I covered my mouth.

"N-No I-I didn't" I tried to lie he shook his head. Smiling at me I felt my face fluster, his smile, was. Cute.

"Okay, Why do you hide your eye?" He tilted his head. I gripped my shoulders. 

"I-I hide i-it because i-it shows t-that I-I'm n-not normal." I let my hair fall onto my eye. He sighed brushing my hair behind my ear. I flinched at his actions. He looked at my right eye. He smiled softly. 

"You know I think your right eye is special, it makes you look tough on the inside. Even though your shy." I blushed, no one has ever complimented my eye in my life. 

"R-Rin?" I looked at him. He hummed. 

"W-Why d-did you h-hold m-my waist a-at the p-park?" He flinched I saw his face brighten. Was he embarrassed about the question? He rubbed the back of his neck. 

"My younger brother did that to me when I was about to explode on someone. So I thought if I hugged you it would calm you down." He chuckled under his breath. I released my grip on my pants looking at him softly. I needed to thank him for doing that. I reached my hand towards him grabbing onto his shirt pulling him to my chest wrapping my arms around his waist. He flinched I could tell he was never hugged by a girl before. I held him close, this was my way of saying thank you. He pulled me tighter to him holding my waist. I smiled onto his chest. 

Something in my stomach swirled...

Was I falling for Rin Okumura? 

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