12: Untrusted...

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A/n: Hey so I now in the show he passes out and they fix his sword but I really don't remember that part so we're skipping ahead a little bit otay. I hope you guys have been enjoying this book. Because I love typing it for you guys! 

P.S Slight Fluff!!

I laid my head into my arms. I heard everyone around me whispering to one another. I sighed, I knew they were still hanging onto the part where we should them who we really are. I gripped onto my arms listening to everyone talk. I felt something circle my back. I turned my head seeing Rin looking at me softly I smiled at least we understood one another. He ran his fingers through my hair. I closed my eyes, why was the world like this? I mean there were demons that helped humans, and others that killed them. I felt the tears poke at my eyes. He softens his eyes kissing the tears away. I hugged him crying onto his shoulder, I want things to go back to normal where people trusted us. He gripped my shirt pulling me closer, he knew what I was thinking of and I knew he wanted everything to go back the way it was. 

I walked through the dorm halls flopping onto my bed. I held my pillow close to me. I wanted to just cry myself to sleep. I heard my door open then close softly. I lifted my eyes seeing Rin walk towards me. He laid down next to me wrapping his strong arms around me. I leaned onto his chest feeling my body hurt, I was still in pain. I don't even know why. He rubbed my back, trying to calm me down. 

"R-Rin, do y-you think t-they'll ever t-trust us a-again?" I gripped his shirt. He sighed.

"I honestly don't know" I looked at him. I felt his shoulders drop. I looked away, why? I felt my heart slow down. I was starting to feel like coming here was a bad idea. Even though meeting Rin was great, but Mephisto was right. The world hates demons. I gripped his shirt feeling the tears run down my cheeks. I wanted to go home, lock myself up, and hide again. My head was filling up with thoughts. I wanted to just cry, cry out all my pain I am feeling. Rin rubbed my back, I think he was hearing me cry. I gave up, I allowed all the tears roll down my face. I gripped his shirt letting all the tears fall out of my eyes, like waterfalls. I felt something pull my chin. I opened my eyes slightly seeing Rin's beautiful blue eyes. I smiled soft, he leaned forward placing his lips onto mine. I dropped my shoulders kissing him back. I felt the last tear roll down the side of my cheek. Rin's hand traced up my sides, I felt the kiss deepen. I felt the headache soon go away. He soon pulled away. He sat up and leaned against the head board of my bed. 

I sat in between his legs he wrapped his arms around me pulling my body closer to his. I just wanted things to go back the way they were. I felt something soft touch my neck. I flinched I gripped Rin's shirt, what was going on? I felt my face fluster, wait why was I enjoying the touch on my neck. I dropped my shoulders. I looked to the side seeing Rin kissing my neck. I gripped his shirt he started to move from my jawline to the center of my neck. I winced, what was h doing? His tail brushed my thigh. He pressed harder I felt something crawl up my throat, was it another squeak. No it was something else. I opened my mouth allowing something to slip off my tongue. I felt him jerk, I don't think he was expecting me to do that. I felt my face blush red. He continued to kiss that spot that made me make an unwanted noise.

Rin's tail started to sway like he was enjoying it, I mean I'm not going to lie, I kind of started to like it. I dropped my shoulders, feeling another noise perked at the edge of my throat. I leaned my head down gripping onto his shirt. He moved from my neck, I took a small breath looking up seeing Rin's eyes. He grabbed my shirt slamming his lips onto mine. I widened my eyes at the fast movement. Is he just trying to get my mind off of my classmates. I closed my eyes kissing him back. I pulled his body closer to mine. I felt his hands move up my body. I moved my hands from gripping his shirt to moving around his body. I felt something soft I knew it was his tail. I grabbed his tail. I heard him grunt into the kiss. I felt something push onto my shoulder. I looked up at Rin seeing lust in his eyes, maybe shouldn't of touched his tail. I slowly blinked hearing the door open. We turned our heads seeing Yukio staring at us. We widened our eyes I hide my face in my hands. 

"I'll leave you two to your business." Rin growled before jumping off the bed to chase his brother down. I leaned up smiling, brotherly love. I touch my neck did his kissing leave a mark? Heard yelling from down the hall and I knew they were fighting one another. I giggled walking off the bed. I looked out the door way seeing Rin holding Yukio's hands behind his back, pinning him to the flor. I smiled, weirdo. 

"Okay tough guy, that's enough" Rin looked up at me, Yukio weakly smiled waving his hands in the air saying he gave in. Rin scuffed getting off of he walked towards me kissing my forehead before walking into his room. I shook my head. 

"What are you two going to do?" Yukio looked at me I shrugged my shoulders. I don't know right now I feel untrusted, but I know they have a good reason to be mad at me. I dropped my shoulders rubbing my arm. I didn't know what to do and I know Rin didn't either. I heard the door slam open. Yukio and I turned out heads seeing. 

"Bons?" We both raised our brow. He was panting like he was running for a while. 

"It's....Konekomaru.. he's...been.." He leaned onto his knees as Rin walked out of his room.

"Possessed!" Bons shouted.

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