Chapter 12

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"Hi," the boy said said softly when he caught sight of me, his grey eyes glimmering under the low light. "You're the new girl, right? Lexi Hooper?"

Gulping, I nodded shyly. That was my unusual state right then, as I found myself practically staring at his tall and handsome feature, with his dark hair messier than described in the books; but Jk Rowling was right. He was the most good-looking boy I had ever seen, real life or not.

     "Cedric Diggory, is it?" I said with a smile, shaking my head away from the thoughts.

"Yes." He gave a small mod of his head.

"So... I've heard you wanted to compete in the tournament," I started awkwardly, trying to distract myself from Dumbledore words.

      I need you to promise that you wouldn't try to change anything, unless absolutely necessary. Don't try to warn anyone before then... Not until the Last possible moment...

"Yeah." He laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "In fact, I'm just coming back from the Goblet. I was going back to sleep."

He pointed his hand in the direction of a pile of barrels at the end of the corridor. I smiled to myself, knowing that this was the Hufflepuff common room's entrance.

"Well," I tried to force a little smile, "It was nice meeting you, Cedric. And good luck."

"Thank you." He gave me a genuine and heartwarming smile. "Anyway, I should probably get going now. It was nice meeting you, too," he said kindly. "Goodnight."


When I returned to the dormitory and opened our room, I saw that everyone was asleep, except for the blonde girl whom I never got the chance to meet personally even though so much time had passed from the start of the school term.

She was sitting on her bed, with an old-looking notebook and quill in her hands, as she wrote away quickly.

"Hi." I said in low voice as I went towards her, careful not to wake the other girls up. "I don't believe we've met. I'm Lexi Hooper."

The girl looked up at me with her kind blue eyes, saying shyly, "I know you. I'm Katherine. Katherine Volant."

"Nice meeting you, Kathrine. I hope I'm not intruding, or anything." I said, pointing at her notebook.

"No, this is just my diary," she said, closing it and putting it away.

I thought for some while, but I couldn't remember anyone with that name in the books. Maybe she was so shy and down-to-earth that she wasn't mentioned. But something seemed familiar about her name and surname

We sat there together and talked for a few minutes about classes and finally, saying our goodnights, we both went to sleep.


The next day, everyone was up earlier than usual, even though it was a Saturday. In the Great Hall the Goblet was set in the middle and everyone had gathered around to see who was going to compete, and saying who was rumored to have done so.

"Anyone put their names in?" Ron asked a third-year girl eagerly.

"All the Durmstrang lot," she replied. "But I haven't seen anyone from Hogwarts yet."

There was a round of applause and we looked back, we saw Lee, Fred and George coming in, all very excited.

"Done it!" said Fred triumphant. "Just taken it."

"What?" said Ron.

"The Aging Potion, you dung brain." said Fred.

"One drop each," said George, rubbing his hands together in glee.

     "You sure you didn't want to try and enter, Snappy?" Fred turned to me and asked, bringing up the Snape joke for the hundredth time that day.

     "Oh, yeah." I said with a mischievous grin, looking forward to see them try and pass the age-line, well aware of the outcome.

The two passed the age line and we all cheered when nothing happened. For a second, everyone thought that it had worked, but the next second, with an invisible force, they were shot into the air and landed a few feet over, growing silver beards.

And so, the whole hall roared in laughter, them joining in. The celebration went on when Angelina Johnson threw her name in, bringing a proud smile on all Gryffindors' faces.

"I really hope you get it, Angelina," said Hermione.

"Thanks," said Angelina, smiling at her.

"Yeah, better you that pretty-boy Diggory," said Seamus, receiving glares from a few Hufflepuffs passing by.

     Just then I saw Kathrine Volant, watching everything in amusement from a far corner, her quill and notebook in her hands.

     "Hey, Hermione," I said, my eyes still on Katherine. "How much do you know that girl?"

     Hermione followed my gaze and spotted the blonde girl, a smile forming on her lips. "Well, I know her pretty well. We were in the same dorm for the last three years. She's the shy and quiet type, but we're great friends."

     "Really?" I said, taking aback.

     "Oh, yeah." She nodded brightly. "We talk all the time whenever we're alone together." I smiled politely, deciding to let go of the matter.

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